School starts Wednesday, July 17th! We can't wait to see our All Stars to start off the 2024-2025 school year! All students must be registered. Meet the teacher night is Tuesday the 16th from 5:00-6:00.
7 months ago, Christopher Hood
We are open today, Thursday, and Friday from 9:00-3:30 for in-person registration. School starts Wednesday, July 17th and students must be registered to start on time. All registration is done online at:
7 months ago, Christopher Hood
7 months ago, Christopher Hood
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open. Please go to:
8 months ago, Christopher Hood
Happy last day of school Graham All Stars! Good luck to our 5th graders as they make their way to middle school. We look forward to seeing everyone else on July 16th for meet the teacher night from 5:00-6:00. The first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year is July 17th!
8 months ago, Christopher Hood
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. Click on the link to complete your child(ren)'s required registration.
8 months ago, Christopher Hood
Kindergarten through 2nd grade Spring Concert is today at 1:30, doors open at 1:00! Hope to see you there!
9 months ago, Christopher Hood
Special thanks goes out to Damian T. and John B! Their fund raising efforts have guaranteed books for all students at Graham! True All Stars!
9 months ago, Christopher Hood
The book fair is open and ready to serve you! Buy 1 get 1 free! Take advantage of this great offer before it's too late...
9 months ago, Christopher Hood
Flowers with families is scheduled for Friday (May 10th) morning from 7:45 - 8:30! We look forward to seeing our Graham All Star families for breakfast and a small science project that you get to take home. Please RSVP with Ms. Elshref (217)525-3220.
9 months ago, Christopher Hood
We look forward to seeing our future All Stars on Thursday night (4/25) from 6:00-7:00 for Kindergarten preview night!
10 months ago, Christopher Hood
All Stars! Spring Break Ends today and we can't wait to see you at Graham tomorrow morning! Don't forget, doors open at 8:05 and school starts at 8:30!
10 months ago, Christopher Hood
Spring Break starts today at 2:00! We look forward to our Spring Break, but we look forward to seeing you even more on April 15th when we resume. Enjoy your break All Stars!
11 months ago, Christopher Hood
Family reading night is this evening from 6:00-7:30. A FACE team meeting will kick off the event. We hope to see you there. Also! Please join us tomorrow for a celebration open house in the gym from 1:00-2:00.
11 months ago, Christopher Hood
We can't wait to see you on Thursday evening for our family reading night and FACE Meeting from 6:00-7:30!
11 months ago, Christopher Hood
IAR testing starts this week for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders this week! All Stars arrive to school on time, give their best effort, and use all of their time!
11 months ago, Christopher Hood
All Star families, this weekend is a 3-day weekend! No school Monday, March 4th! IAR testing starts on Wednesday, March 6th. 3rd-5th grade student will be testing Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please make every effort for 3rd-5th grade students to be to school on time after an 8-10 hour sleep!
11 months ago, Christopher Hood
All Star Families, We are now at 18% for our 5-essential completion rate! Only 2% away from getting our official results! If you have not completed the survey, please click on the link below. Link to survey:
12 months ago, Christopher Hood
Thursday night (6:00) is 6th grade preview night at all middle school locations in Springfield!
about 1 year ago, Christopher Hood
In light of the remaining ice and black ice on roadways, sidewalks and parking lots, District 186 will have an e-learning day Tuesday, January 23, 2024. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our utmost priority, and we thank you for your understanding as we collectively navigate through these weather challenges. We will be in school on January 24, 2024. Students are expected to login for instruction. Attendance will be taken and recorded as follows: Elementary School: Attendance will be taken during their scheduled Google Meet session with their teacher | Students should log in to Canvas and join the Google Meet session during the time provided by their teacher. Elementary School message for those classrooms that did not send home devices: Families will receive a direct message today because a few classrooms did not send home devices on Friday because of MAP testing and other individual classroom needs. Each classroom or school that is affected will send a direct communication by the principal or classroom teacher. Please make sure to read these communications. Middle School + High School: Students must log into InfoSystem to confirm their attendance. Attendance will be processed at the end of the day. Students that DO NOT log into the Infosystem will be marked absent. Teachers can also request changes based on student participation. Students and families should check email and Canvas for instruction updates from their school. For more information, please visit our E-Learning webpage. Project SCOPE will be open for currently enrolled SCOPE students from 7:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. at four combined locations. Please visit the SCOPE webpage to see where your child should attend SCOPE on an E-Learning Day. Please contact your student’s school with any direct questions about e-learning. As always, be safe and happy learning. We appreciate your patience as we navigate through an e-learning day.
about 1 year ago, SPS District 186
 E- Learning | January 23, 2024