All Star Families! Don't forget our Spring Reading Night is coming up Thursday, March 20th from 5-6pm. Afterwards, you can shop the book fair until 6:30pm. Please see attached flyer for details and instructions on how to rsvp!

All Star Families! Our Family Reading Night is coming up March 20th! See flyer below for more information and to RSVP!

Scholastic Book Fair will be March 17-21st! To set up your E-Wallets, click on this link!

Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair is less than two weeks away! To preview books and set up E-Wallets, click on this link: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/grahamelementaryschool12

Congratulations to our February All Stars! These students enjoyed a donut breakfast with Mrs. B this morning and received a book and a coupon for a free pizza at Monical’s! Keep up the great work, All Stars!

All Star Parents! Don't forget to fill out the 5 Essentials Surveys and be entered into a drawing to win a giftcard! Directions in flyer below.

All Star Parents, please fill out the 5 Essentials Survey when you have a moment. Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve our school. Once you have filled it out, take a screenshot and email it to Mr. Hood. You will be entered into a drawing to win a giftcard! See the attached flyer for more info.

All Star Families, FACE meeting is still on for tomorrow from 6-7pm in the cafeteria. Light dinner will be served. Please RSVP by end of today by messaging Mrs. Boualavong on here or by calling the school at 217-525-3220, or scanning QR code on flyer. The Crew visit will be rescheduled for next month.

Good morning, All Star Families! Don't forget our next FACE meeting is this Thursday from 6-7pm! We have a very special guest, The Crew, coming to talk about their awesome basketball program and do some fun basketball drills with the kids! Please RSVP as soon as possible by scanning the QR code on the flyer or emailing Mrs. Boualavong at lboualavong@sps186.org or calling the school at 2175253220.

All Star Families! Our next FACE meeting will be next Thursday from 6-7pm. The Crew will be there to talk about their awesome basketball program and the importance of physical activity. Please rsvp as soon as possible by contacting Mrs. Boualavong or by scanning the QR code on the flyer.

Spiritwear forms will be coming home with your child Monday! Please check their backpacks and return the form by February 19th!

Spring Picture Day is Thursday!

Dear All Star Parents, I'm looking for snack donations for our upcoming spring reading event in March! The theme will be "Spring or Leap Into Reading!" We need a couple bags of these frog gummies, gummy worms, and chocolate pudding cups. If you are able to donate any, it would be greatly appreciated! You can drop them off at the front office or have your student bring them in. All items should be available at Walmart. I have attached picture of the frog gummies. Thank you so much!

A huge thank you the officers from the Springfield Police Department who came in to read to our kindergarten classes as part of the Books and Badges program this morning! The kids had a blast listening to the story, doing a craft, and asking the officers about their career!
Check out these fun photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/9armo4HXaEuNUrxJA

Special thanks to the Springfield Police Department for visiting today! Our Kindergarten classrooms really enjoyed having you and the "Books and Badges" program!

Check out some fun pics from today as classrooms celebrated the 100th Day of School!

Congratulations to our December All Stars of the Month! These students enjoyed a donut breakfast with their parent, Mr. Hood, and Mrs. Boualavong this morning! Keep up the great work, All Stars!

December's All Star Breakfast has been rescheduled for Monday, January 27th due to the e-learning day on Tuesday.

Good morning, All Star Families! Just a friendly reminder, tonight is our monthly FACE meeting in the cafeteria from 6-7pm. If you plan to attend, please message Mrs. Boualavong on here, by emailing her at lboualavong@sps186.0rg, or by calling the school at 217-525-3220. Hope to see many of you tonight!

Hi Graham families! Just a reminder we will have our monthly Family and Community Engagement meeting this Thursday in the cafeteria from 6-7pm. We will discuss upcoming family events, ways to improve attendance, and have time for an open discussion about any ideas or concerns you may have. Pizza will be served, we will have a table with games available for children. Please RSVP to Mrs. Boualavong by sending a message on here or emailing her at lboualavong@sps186.org