A huge thank you the officers from the Springfield Police Department who came in to read to our kindergarten classes as part of the Books and Badges program this morning! The kids had a blast listening to the story, doing a craft, and asking the officers about their career! Check out these fun photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/9armo4HXaEuNUrxJA
4 days ago, Laura Boualavong
Special thanks to the Springfield Police Department for visiting today! Our Kindergarten classrooms really enjoyed having you and the "Books and Badges" program!
4 days ago, Christopher Hood
Check out some fun pics from today as classrooms celebrated the 100th Day of School! https://photos.app.goo.gl/hhgdnUhmsQViXiid6
6 days ago, Laura Boualavong
Congratulations to our December All Stars of the Month! These students enjoyed a donut breakfast with their parent, Mr. Hood, and Mrs. Boualavong this morning! Keep up the great work, All Stars!
6 days ago, Laura Boualavong
December's All Star Breakfast has been rescheduled for Monday, January 27th due to the e-learning day on Tuesday.
10 days ago, Laura Boualavong
Good morning, All Star Families! Just a friendly reminder, tonight is our monthly FACE meeting in the cafeteria from 6-7pm. If you plan to attend, please message Mrs. Boualavong on here, by emailing her at lboualavong@sps186.0rg, or by calling the school at 217-525-3220. Hope to see many of you tonight!
10 days ago, Laura Boualavong
Hi Graham families! Just a reminder we will have our monthly Family and Community Engagement meeting this Thursday in the cafeteria from 6-7pm. We will discuss upcoming family events, ways to improve attendance, and have time for an open discussion about any ideas or concerns you may have. Pizza will be served, we will have a table with games available for children. Please RSVP to Mrs. Boualavong by sending a message on here or emailing her at lboualavong@sps186.org
12 days ago, Laura Boualavong
Hello Graham Families! We will have our next FACE meeting next Thursday, January 23, from 6-7pm in the cafeteria. Please attend if you are able. We want to hear from you on how we can improve student and family engagement. We will be going over our recent attendance numbers, what is Truancy Review Board, upcoming school events, such as the Hometown Heroes reading event that Mrs. Hale and I are organizing for next month to celebrate Black History Month. We will also discuss what family events you would like to see at Graham for the remainder of the school year. ~Pizza will be served and babysitting will be provided.
18 days ago, Laura Boualavong
We hope all of our All Stars enjoyed Winter Break. School resumes tomorrow (1/14). Our doors open at 8:05 and school starts at 8:25.
20 days ago, Christopher Hood
PROJECT SCOPE: As you know District 186 regular calendar students do not return to school until Tuesday, January 7 (Balanced Calendar students return January 14th). However, our SCOPE program for SCOPE students will still be in operation as scheduled for Monday, January 6, but run condensed hours and locations: Tomorrow Monday, January 6, 2025 - Scope will be open from 7:45 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. Locations: Addams, Enos, Fairview, McClernand, Ridgely and Wilcox - report to Ridgely Elementary Butler, Dubois, and Graham - report to Dubois Elementary Black Hawk, Feitshans, Harvard Park, Hazel Dell, Iles, Laketown, Lee, Matheny and Southern View- report to Iles School Lindsay, Marsh and Sandburg- report to Lindsay Elementary
28 days ago, SPS District 186
project scope open monday january 6 condensed hours and locations 7:45 a.m. - 5:15 pm
Two more days until Winter Break! Happy Holidays to all our All Star Families!
about 2 months ago, Laura Boualavong
Happy Holidays
All Star Families! If you think your child might be missing an item, please remind them to check the lost and found. Items not claimed by this Friday will be donated. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, Laura Boualavong
Lost and Found
Breakfast with Santa event!
about 2 months ago, Laura Boualavong
Upcoming Kwanzaa Event!
about 2 months ago, Laura Boualavong
Thank you to a community member for donating this awesome poster to put in our front hallway to help make our school look more welcoming to all!
about 2 months ago, Laura Boualavong
Congratulations to our November All Stars!! These students, along with their parent(s) are invited to join Mr. Hood and Mrs. Boualavong for a donut breakfast Monday morning in the cafeteria from 8:45-9:00am. Have a great weekend!
about 2 months ago, Laura Boualavong
Just a friendly reminder, with the cold weather upon us, please remember to send your child to school with a winter coat, gloves, and a hat! Also, if your child is prone to potty accidents, please put a change of clothes in their bookbags. If you need assistance with obtaining winter clothing, you can reach out to Mrs. Boualavong at lboualavong@sps186.org
about 2 months ago, Laura Boualavong
Mrs. Boualavong's dad, Dr. Eli Goodman, is a Real Men Read volunteer and he had a blast reading to Mrs. Logsdon's first grade class today! Thank you to all the students who wrote him such sweet thank you notes! Keep up the great work, All Stars!
2 months ago, Laura Boualavong
Real Men Read!
Good morning All Star Parents! We are looking for more parents to join our FACE team. Our Family and Community Engagement Team meets once a month, on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the school from 6-7pm. We want your input on how we can improve our school and improve family and student engagement. Contact Mrs. Boualavong at 217-525-3220 or lboualavong@sps186.org if you would like to join our FACE team!
2 months ago, Laura Boualavong
ATTENDANCE MATTERS!! If you need help with ideas on how to improve attendance, you can reach out to Mrs. Boualavong by calling the office or emailing her at lboualavong@sps186.org. Remember, students with the best attendance each month will receive a special prize!
3 months ago, Laura Boualavong