We were notified by First Student that due to a higher than normal shortage of bus drivers today, there will be buses ruing late to their scheduled bus stop. Please monitor your student's bus stops.
Also, all changes to buses have been entered into the First View App. You can use this app to track your student's bus and be informed of any bus number changes. We appreciate your patience and cooperation this morning.
VB Info
Change in the game time for this Saturday's game, 10/21/23
The 6th Grade Girls Basketball Team will now play at 9:00 a.m at Washington Middle School.
Thursday October 12, 2023 there will not be any practices at Ball Charter for Athletics. It is Literature Night at Ball Charter.
8th Grade Boys Basketball Open Gym is Canceled for this evening.
3 A State Cross Country Times!
Saturday 10/14/2023 @ Normal Parkside JHS
Girls: 12:15 PM
Boys: 1:00 PM
Good Luck to Elle M, Carter B, and Bennett N
Please join us for the annual LMS PTO Fall Dance Oct. 27th from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. There is a $5.00 Admission fee. Pizza and Snacks will be provided.
Families - We need volunteers and donations. Please sign up if you can support our event.
XC Practice is canceled for today. Please get a good stretch in and stay hydrated! 1:30 Bus Tomorrow!
There will be an 8th Grade Boys Basketball Open Gym on Tuesday, 10/3, from 7:00-8:30 pm @ Ball Charter School.
We want to remind you that we are fast approaching the deadline for students to have their physical and immunization information turned in per state guidelines.
Please make sure that you have contacted your school’s nurse with your child’s upcoming physical/immunization appointment or that you have turned in your physical and immunization paperwork this week.
Students failing to provide required health information will be excluded from school starting October 1st.
6/7/8th Girls Basketball Practice is canceled for today.
Art Club is also Canceled
The Calvary/Little Flower Girls Basketball Game has been rescheduled for next Thursday 9/28/2023, at 4:30 p.m. at Ball Charter.
The game this Thursday, 9/21, is canceled. The game will be rescheduled. It is Ball Charters 25 year Anniversary Celebration.
Reminder: Practice is Monday, September 18th @2:40-5:30 followed by a MANDATORY PARENT MEETING!
Ball Charter Cheerleaders will ride Bus 98 to LMS after school.
We will go over the order form sheet that was handed out at the meeting prior to tryouts, cash or check made out to LMS Cheerleading due ASAP! Order forms due at parent meeting!
Can’t wait to see everyone and Congratulations!
Friendly Reminder.. Picture Day is Monday, September 18th!
Students interested in purchasing pictures can bring their picture form on this day or purchase pictures online using the LMS code: EVTRDBZDP.
6th Grade Boys Basketball Information
6th Grade Boys Basketball Open Gym is tomorrow, Tuesday, 9/12 from 5:30-7:00 pm at Ball Charter (BCS).
6th Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held next Monday, 9/18 and Tuesday, 9/19 from 5:30-7:00 pm at Ball Charter
The Softball Game for Today, 8/29/2023, has been canceled.
Cross Country Practice is Canceled for today, Tuesday, 8/229/23
Softball is Canceled today. Tomorrow, Saturday, 8/26/2023 the girls will play a double header vs St. Agnes @ SHG West Campus Field starting at 10 a.m.