The Boys 7/8th grade Basketball games will still be played at FMS tomorrow. Please Check rooms for the announcement!
14 days ago, Brian Hoffek
8th Grade Boys Basketball practice is canceled for tonight.
24 days ago, Brian Hoffek
All Volleyball Practices are Canceled for today.
24 days ago, Brian Hoffek
The Volleyball Parent Meeting is Canceled for today, Monday 1./6. The meeting is rescheduled for tomorrow at 6:30 pm at Ball Charter School for 6,7,8th grade teams.
28 days ago, Brian Hoffek
The 7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball Game is canceled for tomorrow, Monday 1/6.
29 days ago, Brian Hoffek
6th, 7th, 8th Grade Volleyball Practices are canceled tomorrow, 1/3/2025.
about 1 month ago, Brian Hoffek
There is no 6th grade volleyball practice tomorrow, 12/27
about 1 month ago, Brian Hoffek
The 7th Grade Girls Basketball team won their first game at state!!!! They play again at 6:30 pm at Auburn High School vs Staunton. Come out and support the girls!!!
about 2 months ago, Brian Hoffek
Volleyball open gym is canceled for today. We are sorry for the late announcement.
2 months ago, Brian Hoffek
There will not be Girls Basketball Practice today, Thursday 11/21.
2 months ago, Brian Hoffek
Girls Basketball practice is canceled for today, 11/8
3 months ago, Brian Hoffek
There is no Yearbook today after school!
3 months ago, Brian Hoffek
There is no Tutoring after school today.
3 months ago, Brian Hoffek
There is no Girls Basketball Practice today.
3 months ago, Brian Hoffek
The Girls Basketball Game tomorrow, 10/23, has been canceled.
3 months ago, Brian Hoffek
Boys Basketball Tryout and Practice Schedule 10/21-10/25 Monday 10/26: 8th Grade Tryouts 7:00-8:30 @ Ball Charter. Wednesday: 7th Grade Tryouts 7:00-8:30 (Follow Girls Home Game) @ Ball Charter. Thursday: 8th Grade Tryouts 5:30-7:00 @ Ball Charter. 7th Grade Practice 7:00-8:30 @ Ball Charter. Friday: No Practice. Saturday: 8th Grade Practice 12-2 @ Ball Charter
3 months ago, Brian Hoffek
As a reminder, Thursday, October 17th, will be a 60-minute early dismissal for all students to accommodate Parent-Teacher Conferences. Additionally, there will be no school on Friday, October 18th, as conferences will continue throughout the day. We value the opportunity to connect with you during these conferences to discuss your child’s academic progress and growth. Your involvement and partnership are essential to their success, and we appreciate your commitment to their educational journey. Please be sure to plan accordingly for the schedule changes for the remainder of the week. Thank you for your support and collaboration!
4 months ago, SPS District 186
reminder parent teacher conferences | thursday october 17th early dismissal friday october 18th no school
Boys Basketball Open Gyms This Week: Tuesday: 10/15/24: 7th Grade Only - 5:30-7 pm at Ball Charter Wednesday: 10/16/24: 8th Grade Only - 5:30-7 pm at Ball Charter
4 months ago, Brian Hoffek
Cross Country Practice is Canceled for Today, Friday 9/27
4 months ago, Brian Hoffek
Regional Baseball Game: Saturday 9/28: 10 am Future Champions Sports Park Field #2 Bus: 7:45 am from LMS
4 months ago, Brian Hoffek