Reminder ALL Middle School & High School students must log into InfoSystem to confirm their attendance for today, January 22, 2024! Attendance will be processed at the end of the day, so please log on and get your attendance confirmed! Students that DO NOT log into the Infosystem will be marked absent! Elementary school attendance with devices at home: All Elementary students' attendance will be taken during their scheduled Google Meet session with their teacher. Students should log in to Canvas and join the Google Meet session during the time provided by their teacher. Elementary school message for those classrooms that did not send home devices: Some families have received a direct message today because a few classrooms did not send home devices on Friday because of MAP testing and other individual classroom needs. Each classroom or school that is affected has sent a direct communication by the principal or the classroom teacher. Please make sure to read these communications. Thank you! We apologize for any worry or confusion that this has caused for some across the District. We understand your frustration when unpredictable weather occurs and want to put your mind at ease again that students will not be penalized in any way for grades or attendance because they do not have their device for today’s e-learning day. Thank you for following these alternate plans as we continue to navigate and improve the use of e-learning opportunities. *Please note that all middle school and high school athletic and extra- curricular activities and practices have been canceled for today, January 22, 2024.
7 months ago, SPS District 186
Elementary Families: We are receiving reports that, for a variety of reasons, some elementary classrooms across the District did not send their iPads or Chromebook devices home on Friday. We want to assure you that students will not be penalized for attendance and the individual schools or classrooms that are affected will communicate directly with the families regarding the situation. School Leaders will share information with affected families via email and other direct communication by early tomorrow morning at the latest. Please look for these messages.. We appreciate your support and patience as we navigate this issue. We understand your frustration and want to put your mind at ease again that students will not be penalized in any way for grades or attendance because they do not have their device for tomorrow’s e-learning day. To reiterate, each classroom or school that is affected by this will have a direct communication provided to them by the principal or the classroom teacher. We apologize for any worry or confusion that this has caused for some across the district.
7 months ago, SPS District 186
In light of the ongoing winter weather conditions, District 186 will have an e-learning day  Monday, January 22, 2024. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our utmost priority, and we thank you for your understanding as we collectively navigate through these weather challenges. We fully anticipate returning to school on January 23, 2024 in person.  Please check your email for the e-learning instructions for attendance and more.
7 months ago, SPS District 186
e learning day Monday January 22
We are keeping a close eye on the evolving winter weather. We know planning ahead is essential for families, and we want to give you a heads-up about the POSSIBILITY of an e-learning day on Monday, January 22, 2024 due to the high probability of ice early tomorrow and throughout the day. Our team is monitoring the predicted ice and wintery mix as well as the timing of this weather event, and we will notify you via alerts (Call/Text/Email & Social Media) as soon as a decision is made. We are telling you this early this evening, so you can prepare for your families. We appreciate your understanding and appreciate your patience. Decisions like these are not taken lightly. Stay tuned for updates, and thank you for being part of our District 186 community. #connect186 #weare186
7 months ago, SPS District 186
weather update | stay tuned
Springfield Public Schools District 186 is open today, Friday, January 19, 2024. Please note that with the cold temperatures & snow we have been experiencing we want to remind everyone to travel safe and make sure your student is bundled up and dressed appropriately. It is important that we work together to make sure students are prepared to go to school in cold weather. #connect186 #sps186 #weare186
8 months ago, SPS District 186
District 186 is open | January 19, 2024
In anticipation of exceptionally cold temperatures expected tomorrow morning and a water main break that is still under repair at Jefferson Middle School, Springfield Public School District 186 will have an e-learning day on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. ALL District 186 schools will have an e-learning day on January 16th. Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our utmost priority, and we thank you for your understanding as we collectively navigate through these weather challenges. Based on the weather forecast we anticipate being in school on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. We have enacted our E-Learning day plan that allows students to receive asynchronous instruction at home, in lieu of using the District’s five extra days that have historically been added to the end of the school year. To learn more about District 186’s E-Learning plan visit our E-Learning webpage -
8 months ago, SPS District 186
e learning day | january 16th
Yesterday, the Regional Office of Education Truancy Department made a surprise visit to pass out candy canes and wish our students a wonderful holiday!
9 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Break is almost here!
We all match!
We are all excited for break!
Candy canes are yummy!
Here comes kindergarten!
We all love the snowman!
Thank you!
Our staff love the candy canes too!
Some of our Lee School students got to enjoy a trip to the Shoe Carnival and lunch at McDonalds on Wednesday! Thank you Telephone Pioneers, Shoe Carnival and Springfield Firefighters!
9 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Firetruck visit at Shoe Carnival
Thank you Firefighters!
McDonalds playplace
So much fun!
On top of the world!
Big smile!
Lee School  is the best!
Day one at the Kidzeum with 2nd grade and Life skills was a success!
9 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Just "hangin'" out!
We love dress up!
Play pretend is fun!
Learning is fun!
Taking our blood pressure
Learning about the lungs!
Getting that circulatory system moving!
We are inside of Alex's digestive system!
Get that body moving!
Getting that heart rate up!
There will be no 21st Century today, Thursday Nov. 30th.
9 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Our Yearbook Crew is busy, busy, busy!! The students took lots of pictures at our Thanksgiving Feast last week!
9 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Mr. Quarton
Mrs. Tinlsey & Kinzlie
Mrs. Debi
Mr. Miller & Deontray
Mr. Goss
Mrs. Deweese & Jett
Our Lee Leader Showcase was a successful event! Lots of great kids doing great things at Lee!
9 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Mr. Goss & Miaya
Mrs. Shures & Damarious
Mr. Goss & Andrae
Our Real Men Read program kicks off real soon! This is a great opportunity! Please take a look at the flyer attached and consider coming to Lee School!
9 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Real Men Read Program!
Camping With a Book on Thursday evening was so much FUN! Our Alderman Jennifer Notariano was a guest reader. Mr. Micah Miller, Board President and his family enjoyed the evening with us too! We played family BINGO, had a scavenger hunt, "find a snap word" flashlight games, and of course our Book Fair!
10 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Eiland family
Miller family
Waller family
Delao family
Alderman Notariano & Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Deweese
Menefee family
Raffle winner!
Stevens family
Ashford family
Fall Flu Clinic!
10 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Don't miss the Fall Flu Clinic at Enos!
We were notified by First Student that due to a higher than normal shortage of bus drivers today, there will be buses ruing late to their scheduled bus stop. Please monitor your student's bus stops. Also, all changes to buses have been entered into the First View App. You can use this app to track your student's bus and be informed of any bus number changes. We appreciate your patience and cooperation this morning.
10 months ago, SPS District 186
Lee students had a blast participating in our Inclusion Day activities on Tuesday!
10 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
Going fishing!
Jed from Rescue Ranch!
We are having fun doing the Scavenger Hunt!
Jed loves cuddles!
Waiting patiently for our turn!
Jed is getting all kinds of love!
Lee School student are the best!
We are so excited!
21st Century has been cancelled for this evening!
10 months ago, Melanie Tinsley
See the flyer attached on a fun halloween event tomorrow at First Student Bus Company!
11 months ago, Jeremy Goss
Drive Thru Trick or Treat at 1st Student
Hi Lee families! Here is an upcoming community event at Lincoln Memorial Gardens. Please see the flyer for more information.
11 months ago, Jeremy Goss
Lincoln Memorial Garden Fall Festival