Good morning! We are almost to our goal for 5 Essentials survey completion! Reminder, all students whose parents complete the survey will receive popcorn! Screenshot the last page of the survey and send to jwilson1@sps186.org. Please follow the link below to complete the survey. https://survey.5-essentials.org/ILLINOIS/

43 and 73 will be combined this afternoon.
Have a great weekend!

Goodafternoon Lee Families,
There will be NO basketball practice or cheerleading tonight.
Have a great weekend!

Our Inclusion day event is April 22nd! Attached is the order form for our shirts for the event. Cash or Check may be turned in with the order form to your child's teacher! All orders due by 3/31.

Parents, it is that time again to complete the 5 Essentials Survey. Please follow the link below to complete the survey.

Hi Lions! Thank you for a great week of learning. Reminder: there is no school Monday. Enjoy the long weekend!

Goodmorning Lee Families!
Just a reminder that there is NO school on Monday, March 3rd due to Casimir Pulaski Day.
Have a happy 3-day weekend!

A reminder as you attend our Black History Month event tomorrow from 1:30-2:30, our Book Fair is also open for shopping! Can't attend? Use the QR code to set up an e-wallet for your child.

Mark your calendars! We will be having a fundraiser at Papa Murphy's on Wednesday, March 26th! More information to come as we get closer to the date.

Goodafternoon Families!
Bus 43 and 73 are combined tonight.

Hi Lions! Our students have been working hard on their Black History Month presentations. We hope you can join us on Thursday from 1:30-2:30! Any questions, please contact our FACE Liaison, Mrs. Jessica Wilson.

If your student participates in our Saturday Academy, please call the school to get your students bus times. 217-585-5828

Goodmorning Lee Families!
Tutoring will continue until March 13th, every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-5:00pm.

Good morning Lions! This morning is our "Breakfast with Someone Grand" event from 8:30-9:30. We can't wait to spread love and kindness this morning. We hope to see you there!

Lee Families: today will be an E-learning day due to predicted snow conditions. Please check your teacher's canvas page for further instructions! Call the school with any questions. 217-585-5828

Tonight is our first Lions Basketball game! Our A game vs. Owen Marsh begins at 5:30 with our B game starting at 6:15. Admission is $3 for adults, $1 for students. Good luck, Lions! ♥️🦁

Goodmorning Lee Families!
Friendly reminder that tonight is Middle School Preview Night at your students next middle school!
Time: 6pm-7pm

Bus 23 and 43 wil be combined this afternoon.

Bus 255 and Bus 250 are combined this afternoon.

Attendance Reminder: