CEC Banquet photo of students

Last night was a night of honor, appreciation, and heartfelt applause as the Council for Exceptional Children Springfield IL Chapter 102recognized 11 outstanding students and 8 dedicated school professionals who go above and beyond for our community. Click To See Photos

For those unfamiliar, the Council for Exceptional Children is a beacon of support, advocacy, and empowerment for individuals with exceptionalities and their families. Through their tireless efforts, they contribute to creating an inclusive and nurturing environment that uplifts every member of our community.

Superintendent Jennifer Gill, Director of Student Support Services, Ward Lamon, school board members, principals, along with friends and families, gathered to celebrate these remarkable accomplishments.

A special highlight of the evening was the recognition of Richard Gillespie, this year's winner for School Professionals. Richard is the visionary behind INK 186, a transformative initiative that is a collobaration between District 186 & SPARC. This unique partnership allows students to connect with an adult agency prior to graduation to allow for a seamless transition from high school. The primary mission is to maximize student independence through community involvement, skills training, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship.

Tonight, as we celebrate these incredible students and school professionals, we also celebrate the spirit of inclusivity, innovation, and compassion that defines our community. Here's to many more moments of inspiration, growth, and collaboration!