Good morning, Springfield High! Today is Tues Feb 11th
Students, if you need help with your classwork or homework, After School Tutoring is held in Room 266 on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Students, don’t forget: The Peace Room is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30-2pm to any student needing support and a safe space to assist with mental health concerns. Check your Canvas to sign up or ask Mrs. Coley!
Flower sales are here! Yearbook is selling Valentine's Day carnations for $2 each (or five for $10) during both lunch shifts. Send a flower to a friend, crush, or teacher to show you care. Flowers will be delivered during 2nd hour on Feb. 14. Don't forget to bring your money, and thanks for supporting yearbook!
There will be a brief, informational softball meeting next Wednesday, February 12 directly after school in room WW6 for any girl interested in trying out for softball.
Art club will meet today until 4:15 in room 320.
Plant club will meet on Today from 3:25 to 4:25 in Ms. Reinders room 516. Everyone is welcome! See Ms. Reinders if you have any questions.
Boys Varsity Basketball Final score Springfield 96- Cahokia 44
Noah Wade 23 Pts , Elijah Wade 20 , Valor Komolafe 16 Points 11 Rebounds, Jaiyden Wilson 15 Points, and Demond Porter jr 12 Points .
Boys JV Basketball Final Springfield 60- Cahokia 31
Kvon Ghee 20 Points
Jmere Macon 11 Points
And Now the Pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
(Moment of Silence)