Good morning, Springfield High! Today is tuesday Jan 14th
Students, if you need help with your classwork or homework, After School Tutoring is held in Room 266 on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Students, don’t forget: The Peace Room is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30-2pm to any student needing support and a safe space to assist with mental health concerns. Check your Canvas to sign up or ask Mrs. Coley!
Attention all students in kindergarten through 8th grade: SHS is hosting a cheer and dance youth camp on Tuesday, February 4 from 5:00 - 6:30 in the Commons. Form and $30 payment must be returned by January 24 in order to receive a t-shirt. If you register after the 24th, please wear a pink or green t-shirt. Return this form to SHS! Forms are available in the main office.
Solon Olympics Round 2 is here! To kick off City Tournament festivities our second Solon Olympics of the year is here! This Friday night from 7-9 the classes will compete against each other in volleyball, dodge ball, pyramid building, tug of war and other small contests. Doors will NOT open until 6:45. Can the seniors actually beat the juniors this time? Will the sophomores or freshmen sneak past? Come find out!
There will be no 21st Century available after school on January 23 and no 21st Century during the week of January 27th - 31st. Students, please plan accordingly.
Friday, January 17th is the Solon Olympics in the gym from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. All SHS students are welcome to come and watch, and entry is free. If students want to participate in the games, please fill out the permission form and return the slip that evening. Permission forms are available for pick up in the main office.
Any Junior, Senior, or transfer student that needs behind the wheel please contact Mr. Deatherage in room WW 1 or by email.
There will be a parent meeting in the SHS commons on Wednesday at 6:30PM for any girl interested in playing Softball for the new district 186 coop. See Coach Koger with questions.
Attention Juniors and Seniors who do not currently have a parking pass. Due to a number of seniors who graduated early, we have several parking passes that are available for purchase for the rest of the year. If you are interested, please come to the main office and sign up. Names will be drawn at the end of the day on Tuesday 1/14/2024.
Congratulations to SHS junior Damaris Telliz, who won first place in the Martin Luther King, Jr Essay Contest! The Ministerial Alliance of Springfield honored Darmaris with special recognition and a prize for her beautiful essay. Great job, Damaris!
Attention track and field athletes not involved in a winter sport. The boys and girls track and field season officially begins on Monday January 27th after school in the commons. You must have a valid physical and athletic permit card in order to participate. Please see Coach Cotner if you have any questions.
Get ready for UNITY DAY 2025 happening Saturday, January 25th, 11 AM-1 PM at the Bank of Springfield Center - in the lower level! Join your friends from Lanphier, Southeast, Springfield, and SHG for:
Fun Games & Activities, FREE Lunch, Prizes - YES we said PRIZES, plus a chance at winning tickets to the Saturday night games of City Tournament!Make sure you register this week at lunch or scan the QR code on posters that are posted around the school to be there for the fun!!Register and attend for your chance to win one of 30 prizes! Don't miss the hype – Unity Day is the move!
There will be a feminist club meeting Tuesday after school in Mrs. Eaton's room 366.
"Plant club will meet on Tuesday from 3:25 to 4:25 in Ms. Reinders room 516. Everyone is welcome! See Ms. Reinders if you have any questions.”
Come out and support SHS yearbook on Wednesday, Jan. 15 from 4-8 pm at Chipotle on Wabash. A portion of all sales will go towards making the yearbook the best it can be! Mention SHS yearbook when ordering or use code 8DG7GXL for online orders.
And Now the Pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
(Moment of Silence)