Good morning, Springfield High! Today is Monday December 17th
Senators show generosity by giving to others even when they don’t have a lot to give. You don’t have to have money to be a generous person. If you are low on funds, make a gift for someone, baby-sit without pay, offer someone a ride, or shovel driveways for free. These thoughtful gestures can mean more to people than if they were to receive a gift you purchased.
Have a great winter break from Be A Senator!!!
"After School Tutoring will not meet this week. Tutoring will resume when we return from winter break."
Students, don’t forget: The Peace Room is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30-2pm to any student needing support and a safe space to assist with mental health concerns. Check your Canvas to sign up or ask Mrs. Coley!
LLCC Financial Aid office will be offering 1 FAFSA night for Springfield Public Schools District #186 on December 18th from 5:30-7pm at Southeast High School 2350 East Ash Street. LLCC Financial Aid staff will assist students of all District #186 high schools in completing the 2025-2026 FAFSA. If possible, students should complete their FSA ID prior to the event, and guardians have their 2023 tax information available.
There are no early dismissals during final exam periods. Students must stay for the entire period as we will not disrupt classrooms. Students - plan on staying for the duration of the period, although you may come only for the exams you are taking. Don’t be late!
Springfield High vs Lanphier High
Jv won 70-62
Jmere Macon 18 points
Jackson Jenkins 14 points
Kvon Ghee 11 points
Friday Night Results
Springfield High 60
Lanphier High 54
Noah Wade 17 points 14 rebounds
Elijah Wade 12 points 7 rebounds
Ed Horton 10 points 5 rebounds
Friday Night Results
Springfield High 60
Lanphier High 54
Noah Wade 17 points 14 rebounds
Elijah Wade 12 points 7 rebounds
Ed Horton 10 points 5 rebounds
And Now the Pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
(Moment of Silence)