Good morning, Springfield High! Today is _____Nov. 15th___________________
“Students if you need help with your class work or homework, After School Tutoring is held in Room 220 on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m."
Students, don’t forget: The Peace Room is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30-2pm to any student needing support and a safe space to assist with mental health concerns. Check your Canvas to sign up or ask Mrs. Coley!
The volleyball banquet will be tonight at Engrained at 6:15
There will be a Boys swimming and diving parent meeting on Monday November 18th at 6:00Pm in the cafeteria. This will be a detailed meeting regarding: expectations, practices, meets, equipment and the overall sport in general. There will be several handouts along with a schedule as well as requirements for being on the team.
There will be a boys basketball meeting for players and parents on Monday, November 18th in the Commons at 6:15 p.m.
The Capital Area Career Center (CACC) is hosting a Career Day on December 6th for all 10th-grade students in the surrounding area. If you are considering attending CACC next year, this field trip may be of interest. Students who attend will explore the programs at the facility and learn about job opportunities connected to their programs. Those interested in attending should pick up a permission slip from the guidance office. Forms are due no later than Wednesday, November 20th. There are a limited number of seats so don’t wait to get those forms turned in.
***You must be passing all classes you will miss to attend this field trip.
Any questions, see Mrs. Lauer or Mr. Kramer
Congratulations to all SHS students who are part of the new Collage District Show Choir! New members are listed outside of the main office on both bulletin boards near the auditorium doors. Stay tuned for more announcements about Show Choir!
Beginning in January 2025, District 186 and Lincoln Land Community College are working together to offer programming designed for students to experience a more immersive college preparation experience as part of the school day. This is called College Now. Participation in College Now is a great way for students to be challenged in their learning and get a head start on their college education. College Now is available to District 186 high school seniors who want to either pursue a career track after high school or plan to transfer to a university. The district believes that for students to have access to these opportunities close to home makes sense, and potentially enrolling at a two-year community college may be a smart financial choice.
Students interested in enrollment in the College Now classes must be a second semester senior, have an 85% or better attendance rate through the first semester of the senior year, be on track and scheduled with all necessary credit requirements to graduate from 186, and maintain a high level of motivation and adequate time to devote to a college-level class. The students must meet all college criteria and follow all college procedures for enrolling in any courses. Ultimately, students must receive approval from their high school guidance administrator to attend LLCC’s College Now program.
Interested District 186 students and their parents both, are required to attend a mandatory informational meeting next Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. The meeting will be held at Lincoln Land’s Medical District Facility located at 130 West Mason Street, room 202
And now the Pledge of Allegiance!
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
(Moment of Silence)