Good morning, Springfield High!  Today is _____Oct 29th___________________

  • Last reminder about the Mock Test on Wednesday, October 30th. Freshmen and Sophomores stay at school until 2:17 p.m., Juniors are dismissed after testing and Seniors are not in the building due to their Activity Day. Additionally, Seniors are dismissed on the 29th at 2:17 p.m.

  • There are no zero hour classes on Wednesday, October 30th.

  • Students who are testing should bring their fully charged Chromebook, charger and cord, a small snack and water bottle if desired, and a calculator if they have one. Students will have the option of using a calculator on their Chromebook, but many students like the option of having a hand-held calculator. Students should be on time for school or may not be admitted to their testing room.

  • We will not celebrate Halloween on October 31st as it is a full day of teaching and learning. Therefore, no costumes or face paint, or food parties will be permitted.

  • “Students if you need help with your class work or homework, After School Tutoring is held in Room 220 on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m."

  • We have started AP exam sign-ups.  There are two steps to sign up for the AP Exams.  First, students need to join each AP course on and register for the exam.  Second, students will need to sign-up/pay in Guidance. 

The due date to order an exam is Friday, November 8th.  After this date, there will be a $40 late sign-up fee.  Exams will begin in May of 2025.  Each exam is $97. Cash or check will be accepted in Guidance.  Checks can be made out to Springfield High School.  There is a reduced price for eligible students.  Questions? Ask your AP teacher or contact Mrs. Adeniji

  • Students, don’t forget: The Peace Room is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:30-2pm to any student needing support and a safe space to assist with mental health concerns. Check your Canvas to sign up or ask Mrs. Coley!

  • Plant club will meet tonight from 3:25 to 4:25 in Ms. Reinders room 516. Everyone is welcome! See Ms. Reinders if you have any questions

  • We are starting up a new District 186 Show Choir! SHS will be a part of the District performing Show Choir along with LHS and SE. Auditions will be held November 9th, save the date and we will give more details soon!

Use this link (also on the SHS web site) to sign up:

  • Do you want to win a big jar of candy this week while helping a great cause? Come to the commons on your lunch shift Thursday and Friday this week and take a guess at how many pieces of candy BAS has in their candy jar. One guess will be 50 cents or you can have 3 guesses for $1 and proceeds will go toward United Way. You will also receive a little treat for your donation. 

  • There will be information and sign ups for boys and girls wrestling today during both lunch shifts in the commons. Seek out Coach Kenny or Coach Carver if interested. Girls wrestling will be having an open mat session today from 3:30-5pm at Lanphier High School. 

Students, we have had great attendance at our first home football games. But, we want to remind you of the code of conduct. The Code of Conduct and the guidelines of the student handbook apply to all students while on District 186 property, adjacent property or engaged in school-sponsored activities. Any misconduct before, during or after the game will be handled by the administration at the student’s school and will result in consequences. 

Please note that students who are suspended and/or expelled are not permitted to attend school events, including games. If a suspended or expelled student purchases a ticket and is admitted by mistake, they will be required to leave, and no refunds will be issued.

All spectators are expected to remain seated during games. Anyone found standing or roaming for an extended period of time will be asked to sit in the stands, failure to comply will result in being removed from the stadium.  

Also failing to abide by the football stadium expectations may result in you being escorted from the stadium.  If you are escorted from the stadium you will not be allowed to return to future games.

No unaccompanied minors will be allowed entry into games. All K-8th grade students should be with an adult who is responsible for their actions and monitors their movement during the games. They should be sitting watching the games and limit walking around unless using the restroom or visiting the concession stand. Students can not attend without an adult - they will not be allowed entry. 

Football games will conclude around 9:15 p.m., announcements will be made for students to call for their ride at the start of 4th quarter at every game. Please make sure your ride, if needed, is at the stadium to pick you up at that time.

We want to cheer on our teams, have great District 186 spirit and have a good time. Thank you for assisting the Administration and the Springfield Police Department in this manner. 

And now the Pledge of Allegiance!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

(Moment of Silence)