Good morning, Springfield High!  Today is February 14, 2024

Attendance Office Phone Number - 525-3111

Students who ride the CACC morning bus.  The buses will be leaving the school at 8:10 am every morning.  Don’t be late getting on your bus.

After School Tutoring is held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week in room 160 from 3:30 pm-4:30 pm

Lunchtime tutoring is available for any student on either lunch shift in room 124.

If you want to purchase single game, season, or year-long passes to Springfield High School events, keep your eyes open for Go Fan Ticketing posters in the Commons, Cafeteria and Annex.  You can scan the QR Code, or go to to purchase you SHS tickets today.

If you park on or near SHS property - LOCK YOUR CARS AT ALL TIMES. Do not leave your doors unlocked or windows down no matter what! Be safe, be smart and be aware!

The Sadie Hawkins’ dance will be held Saturday from 8-10 pm in the Commons. Doors open at 7:45 pm and close for admission at 8:45 pm sharp. The cost is $10.00 per person. All attendees must enter through the metal detectors in the annex. Guest forms are available for pick up in the guidance office and are due to guidance by tomorrow at 3:30pm. All SHS students and their guests must have a photo ID on them at all times and each SHS student must arrive with their guest for admission to the dance.  All school rules apply.

Juniors - Mr. Kramer will be taking a group to UIS for the DIGIM College Fair. DIGIM College fair is a pop-culture infused fair which takes on a three-pronged conceptual approach: Cool, Educational & Engaging. Once finished with the browsing fair, students get to choose 2 of 6 How To Become: break out sessions. More info is posted on Canvas. Permission slips are in Guidance and due back by Feb. 23. Any more questions, see Mr. Kramer

Hey SHS students! The Chess club will be meeting after school from 3:17 to 4:30 Friday in Mr. Hull’s Room (Room 216).

Senators - show your love for SHS by buying a 2023-2024 yearbook! Use quote "heart" to get our early bird price - the lowest price of the year! The offer is valid until Feb. 18. Prices increase in March, so buy now and save! Visit yearbookforever.comto order today. 

There are a few Valentine Flowers left. They will be sold at lunchtime today,

Pizza Pizza Pizza Thursday Thursday Thursday. Be A Senator Club will be selling Papa John’s pizza this Thursday in the commons during both lunch shifts. It is $2 per slice or you can redeem 5 Senator dollars for a slice.

Seniors planning to attend LLCC next year, the Lincoln Land scholarship deadline is THIS THURSDAY. Apply asap! See Canvas of Mr Kramer for more info.

Any students in 9th -11th grade who are interested in participating in a sport during the 2024-2025 school year, should find and complete the athletic interest survey on CANVAS.  This will allow coaches to know who is interested in joining a team, and get you information regarding summer programming and weight-lifting.

There will be a softball open gym tonight in the SHS old gym from 6-7:30.

A widely recognized leader in the American civil rights movement, Bayard Rustin gained notoriety for his capabilities as an organizer, strategist, and promoter of peaceful protest. Born in 1912, Rustin's early exposure to pacifism and Quaker upbringing played a role to his initiation in activism. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his well-known "I Have a Dream" address at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the event that Rustin helped to organize. Rustin made prominent contributions, but he also encountered prejudice because of his sexual orientation, which periodically overshadowed his accomplishments. This ignited many conversations of the experience of black and queer individuals and the diversities of their experiences due to these identities coexisting with each other.

And now the Pledge of Allegiance!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOMENT OF SILENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~