Good morning, Springfield High!  Today is November 7, 2023

Attendance Office Phone Number - 525-3111

Students: We have too many tardies! Please know we expect you to be on time for class!  Tardy sweeps have begun, which mean if you are in the hallways without a pass, instead of being in class, you will meet with an administrator and receive consequences. 

After School Tutoring is held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week in room 160 from 3:30 pm-4:30 pm.

Lunchtime tutoring is available for any student on either lunch shift in room 124.

If you want to purchase single game, season, or year long passes to Springfield High School events, keep your eyes open for Go Fan Ticketing posters in the Commons, Cafeteria and Annex.  You can scan the QR Code, or go to to purchase you SHS tickets today.

If you park on or near SHS property - LOCK YOUR CARS AT ALL TIMES. Do not leave your doors unlocked or windows down no matter what! Be safe, be smart and be aware!

The Scarlet Line Dance Team will be holding a fall tryout for all students.  Everyone is encouraged to attend the informational meeting on Monday, November 13th  at 3:30 in the Commons.  Tryouts will be held on Wednesday, November 15th at 2:45 in the Commons.  If you have any questions please contact Coach Shannon Bellini at  We hope to see you there!

There will be a banquet for all volleyball players on Wednesday November 15th @ 6pm. Please mark your calendar! More information will be available next week with details & location.

Plant Club will be meeting today from 3:20-4:20 in Ms. Reinders room, 517.  See the Plant Club Canvas page or Ms. Reinders for more information!

Happy National French Week everyone! To help celebrate, French Club will be selling bon-bons for $1.25 each. See a French Club member or Madame Boltz in room 268 to buy some.

Congratulations to our yearbook students! Our 2022-2023 yearbook was awarded the Walworth Gallery of Excellence. Your hard work has paid off and you produced an amazing book!

Feminist club will meet today in Mrs. Taft’s room 356 after school.

Boys Basketball - Freshman tryouts today from 6-8 pm.

Team Reid This Saturday, Come to the TRN club for the Team Reid Benefit noon to 6:00.  Chili, baked goods, raffles, and Santa Clause. Come show your support for Mr. Reid. See a science teacher for more information.

Good weather means to celebrate with some good food options. Mr. Kramer will be popping popcorn outside the Commons Tuesday for $1 a bag. Wednesday to celebrate the high 70's weather, he will be on the grill out front during both lunch shifts cooking up hotdogs for $1. Staff, ribeyes will also be available if ordered with Mr. Kramer beforehand. All money will go to the Reid and Scheffler families. 

Get comfy for a cause wear your pajamas on Thursday with a minimum of a dollar donation at the door.  Please remember that your jammies must be dress code appropriate.  Also on Thursday, bring an extra $1 so you can play rock, paper, scissors during your lunch shift.   The games will begin about 20 minutes into the lunch shift right outside the cafeteria doors.  The winner of each lunch shift will win City Tournament tickets. 

Model U.N. will have a short ten-minute meeting after school this Thursday.

And now the Pledge of Allegiance!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOMENT OF SILENCE ~~~~~