Good morning, Springfield High!  Today is November 1, 2023

Attendance Office Phone Number - 525-3111

Students: We have too many tardies! Please know we expect you to be on time for class!  Tardy sweeps have begun, which mean if you are in the hallways without a pass, instead of being in class, you will meet with an administrator and receive consequences. 

After School Tutoring is held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week in room 160 from 3:30 pm-4:30 pm.

Lunchtime tutoring is available for any student on either lunch shift in room 124.

If you want to purchase single game, season, or year long passes to Springfield High School events, keep your eyes open for Go Fan Ticketing posters in the Commons, Cafeteria and Annex.  You can scan the QR Code, or go to to purchase you SHS tickets today.

If you park on or near SHS property - LOCK YOUR CARS AT ALL TIMES. Do not leave your doors unlocked or windows down no matter what! Be safe, be smart and be aware!

Are you interested in learning about construction management or civil engineering ?  Crawford Murphy and Tilly is hosting a presentation Saturday, November 4 from 11:30-1:30.  Stop by the guidance office for more information.

Spanish Club members are also welcome to participate in making an ofrenda after school on Friday, November 3rd. Please sign up in room 260 if you would like to participate. ¡Gracias!

Pizza Pizza Pizza Thursday Thursday Thursday. Be A Senator Club is selling hot Papa John’s pizza for $2 a slice in the commons on both lunch shifts this Thursday. We will also be taking Senator Cash for this sale, 5 Senator Dollars per slice. 

What better way to spend Halloween than reading about Rachel, our Friendly Ghost? Your very own newspaper staffers have written two fun and spooky articles about Rachel… so check them out on the newspaper website, Grab your candy and some fuzzy socks and curl up with some great reading! Oh, and say hi to Rachel for me! 

Seniors and juniors interested in going into a trade following high school, Mr. Kramer will take a group to the local trade union fair on November 14th downtown at the BOS Center. If interested, permission slips will be in the Guidance office this week and due back by Friday. Contact Mr. Kramer with any questions. 

And now the Pledge of Allegiance!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOMENT OF SILENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~