Good morning, Springfield High!  Today is October 19, 2023

Attendance Office Phone Number - 525-3111

No tutoring after school today due to parent teacher conferences.  Tutoring will resume Monday, October 23rd.

Lunchtime tutoring is available for any student on either lunch shift in room 124.

Students, please remember that the football games at Memorial Stadium and Spartan Field are school functions and all behavior guidelines will be enforced at all times during these games. Any inappropriate behavior displayed at these games will result in consequences that will be enforced by the administration of SHS. This includes behavior inside the stadium, as well as adjacent to the facility. 

If you want to purchase single game, season, or year long passes to Springfield High School events, keep your eyes open for Go Fan Ticketing posters in the Commons, Cafeteria and Annex.  You can scan the QR Code, or go to to purchase you SHS tickets today.

We have started AP exam sign-ups.  There are two steps to sign up for the AP Exams.  First, students need to join each AP course on and register for the exam.  Second, students will need to sign-up/pay in Guidance.   The due date to order an exam is Monday, November 6th.  After this date, there will be a $40 late sign-up fee.  Exams will begin in May of 2024.  Each exam is $97. Cash or check will be accepted in Guidance.  Checks can be made out to Springfield High School.  There is a reduced price for eligible students.  Questions? Ask your AP teacher or email Mrs. Adeniji (

Students can pick up their school picture and ID in the commons at lunch.

Attention artistic Solons! The yearbook staff needs your help to design music-related graphics (full-page, no music notes). If you submit a design, you may be featured in this year's yearbook! Please e-mail your designs to Mrs. Roan or submit them in-person to room 370 by Nov. 1. All submissions will be entered into a raffle for a free yearbook. Submissions must be school appropriate. See Mrs. Roan or any yearbook staffer with any questions. 

Be A Senator’s weekly tip: Senators show respect by listening to others. One of the greatest ways to show respect to others is by listening to them when they speak.  This shows you value what they have to say. This week make an effort when you are talking to someone to stop what you are doing, make eye contact and give them your undivided attention when they speak.  Thank you for Being a Senator!

There will be no crochet club this week. 

If you park on or near SHS property - LOCK YOUR CARS AT ALL TIMES. Do not leave your doors unlocked or windows down no matter what! Be safe, be smart and be aware!

There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL PM program today in preparation for P/T Conferences. If you are in the After School Program in room 156, do not attend today.

The SHS football program is participating in the Channel 1450 food drive for those in need within the greater Springfield community. The goal is to fit as much as we can into a trailer for delivery on Monday, 10/23. Any student or faculty member who would like to donate to this worthy cause can drop off items to Coach Hebb or Coach Kramer any time this week. 

Freshmen & JV volleyball players need to turn in their uniforms to Coach Sturm Monday after school in the gym.

The soccer team defeated Taylorville 11-0 in the Chatham regional semifinals. Faron Harmony, Evan Carrell, Vince Pratt, Eamon Mahoney, Angie Bilyeu, Elliot Fifer, Alex Hockenyos and Jonas Meier scored for the Senators. Evan Carrell, Mason Simmons, Vince Pratt, Ty Dyson, Byron McNeil, Faron Harmony, Jonas Meier, and Joe Brudnak dished out assists.  Joe Brudnak recorded the shutout.

And now the Pledge of Allegiance!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOMENT OF SILENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~