Good morning, Springfield High!  Today is October 3, 2023

Attendance Office Phone Number - 525-3111

After School Tutoring is held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week in room 160 from 3:30 pm- 4:30 pm.

Lunchtime tutoring is available for any student on either lunch shift in room 124.

Students, please remember that the football games at Memorial Stadium and Spartan Field are school functions and all behavior guidelines will be enforced at all times during these games. Any inappropriate behavior displayed at these games will result in consequences that will be enforced by the administration of SHS. This includes behavior inside the stadium, as well as adjacent to the facility. 

Students, if you want to purchase single game, season, or year long passes to Springfield High School events, keep your eyes open for Go Fan Ticketing posters in the Commons, Cafeteria and Annex.  You can scan the QR Code, or go to to purchase you SHS tickets today.

If you are interested in working behind the scenes off the fall play, there will be a crew meeting directly after school Thursday 10/5. If you can not attend stop by Mrs. Eaton’s room 366 for info and to get added to the remind.

Attention SHS athletes and students involved in extracurricular activities. Fellowship of Christian Athletes meetings will be starting soon. To help decide when meetings will be, fill out the form from the QR codes posted on the fliers around the school. If you have any questions ask Mr. Lightfoot or Sam Hartl. 

Hey SHS students! The Chess club will be meeting after school from 3:17 to 4:15 in Mr. Hull’s Room (Room 216) on the first and third Fridays of every month to play and teach Chess! Everyone is welcome, regardless of skill level! We will be meeting Friday, September 29th. We hope to see you there! If you have questions, please contact Mr. Hull or Shashi Bangarulingam

Congrats to the boys golf team.  James Oh fired a 76 yesterday at Lick Creek Golf Course.  Oh finished 7th overall and qualified for the State Tournament.  Julian Valenti shot a 78 and also qualified for the state tournament.  Valenti had an incredible moment on the par 3 12th hole where he made a hole in one from 147 yards.  Congrats again and best of luck at State!!!  

In October, Be A Senator Club is focusing on the importance of Respect. Senators show how to respect others by thinking before they speak and pausing before they act. This week, before you do or say something, ask yourself, “Would I want this done to me?” If the answer is no, then don’t do it. Thank you for being a respectful Senator!

And now the Pledge of Allegiance!

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MOMENT OF SILENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~