Morning Announcements


Monday, February 13th, 2023

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's Monday February 13th 2023!  Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

Sophomores, Jostens will be back to collect class ring order forms on Wednesday, February 15th from 7:30am-8:30am. Be sure to bring your completed order forms and down payment to get your order started.

Attention students send a crush to a crush or friend will be for sale this week during both lunch shifts.  They will be for sale for $1 and will be delivered on Valentine’s day during 6th hour 

You can also “Say it with a flower”: Spanish club will be selling roses and carnation flowers for Valentines day during both lunch shifts.  Roses will be for sale for $5 and carnations for $2.  Don’t have cash on your don’t sweat it!  They have cashapp! Come up to the table and scan the qrcode!

If you would like to join Spanish club their next meeting will be Wednesday February 22nd at 2:45pm 

Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

 And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all