Morning Announcements


Friday, January 27th, 2023

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, It's Friday, January 27th, 2023!  Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

Yesterday’s attendance percentage was 82.4% 

Shout out Friday

shout out to Phong Duong for the fantastic photos he takes, they’re so good they’ve been featured on 1450  - Mackenzie Wroblewski, Ms. Jones

Shout out to Mr. Gairani for being a great science teacher and always helping out when needed. Mackenzie Wroblewski

Shout out to Mackenzie Wroblewski and Leah Robinson- Thank you for being so kind and thoughtful!- Mrs. Wilkinson

Shout out to Jacob Steel for making the All-Star hockey team representing the Springfield Senators.- Alexis Willhite 

Attention anyone interested in becoming a Southeast Spartan Cheerleader for the 2023-2024 school year there will be an informational meeting Monday, January 30th at 7pm in the school auditorium.  

Key Club is the oldest and largest service and leadership organization for high school students. It is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others. If you are re you interested in becoming a Key Club officer next year, stop by room 110 to pick up an application.

Attention girls interested in softball, open gym 12 -2 this Sunday and the following the Sunday will be official team tryouts. 

Tickets for Friday and Saturday City tournament games will be on sale from 8:00 a.m. thru 12:00 noon. for $5.00 after that they will have to purchase tickets at the BOS Center for $6.00 each.

Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

 And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all