Morning Announcements


Thursday , January 19th, 2023

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, It's word of thriving Thursday, January 19th, 2023!  Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

Yesterday’s attendance percentage was 87.4>#/p###

Thriving Thursday: Use curiosity to boost your resliance! Stuck with a problem or conflict? I bet you ask yourself and the other person why? Why this, why that why do they always…

But why is a problem for our mindset. When we ask oursevles and others why, we create a situation in which we must or they must defend themselves. Defensive thinking rarely solves problems. Defensive thinking is stressful.

So what can you do instead? Stay curious. Learn about the other person or situation in new ways. Ask yourself what and how based questions. How do i actually want to feel in this relationship instead of why is this person such a…

What other ways can this problem be solved, instead of why does it always end up like this. 

When we stay in a learner mindset fuled by curiosity, we retain better control of our emotions, and can think and solve problems more efficient and effectively. Stay curious yall!

Open house at CACC will be tonight from 5-7 pm.  If you would like to meet the instructors and see their facilities, please plan to attend. 

The 2023 Spartan Yearbook is on sale! Stop by room 206 or the Main Office for an order form. There is still time to place a Happy Ad! See the order form for more information.  

Reminder- Softball Conditioning is Mondays and Wednesdays 330-530 in the gym and Softball Open Gym is Sundays 12-2 SE Gym

Attention Juniors!  

Are you a creative, motivated, and out-of-the-box thinker? Do have a drive to succeed and learn from community leaders? Are you willing to attend class every school day from 7:30-9:00 am at a local business? Then we are looking for students like you to the Sangamon CEO Program!

If you are interested in applying, please see Mrs. Metz in the Guidance Office.  

What are proper and acceptable behavior for Southeast students at a basketball game?

1. Dress appropriately for the cold weather; coming to and leaving the game.

2. Have a seat during the basketball game

3. Call the person for your transportational ride , at least 7 minutes before the fourth quarter ends.

4. Exit the building as soon as it's being directed from administrators and security.

5. Students that refused to leave the building when asked, will not be admitted to attend future games.

From the College Room…

Today, Thursday - Susanna from ISAC will be in the Library during both lunch shifts to talk about Scholarship applications. See you today at lunch in the Library for Scholarship information.

Thank you to all who participated in the Career Showcase on Tuesday with BRANDT, KEB, and SIU School of Medicine! If you have any ideas for improving the event or types of Careers you would like to see at the next Careers event, please see Ms. Jannazzo or send a message through the College and Career Canvas page.

Pandemic EBT cards have been sent out again. The new card has been mailed in your name (student’s name). If you did not receive a new card or have lost your card, call 1-800-678-5465. The cards are issued by the State of Illinois. Any questions, go through 1-800-678-5465.

Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

 And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all