Morning Announcements


Wednesday January 4th, 2022

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, Its word of the day  Wednesday, January 4th, 2022!  I am Mr Z.  Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 


Instead of telling you the last day of finals’ attendance percentage, i instead offer you an opportunity! The admin team noticed during spirit week that pajama day was the biggest hit. More people participated in this spirit day than other spirit day we’ve had this year. Anyway they approached me and said hey, Mr. Z., we want to give the kids a chance to have a bit more of what they want.. pajama days, but they have to be earned. 

Here's how we can get them. If we can average 90% attendance Monday through Thursday, we will announce at the end of the school day Thursday that there will be a pajama day on Friday! Don’t come wearing those jammies if we didn’t earn it though, that will result in a visit to the discipline office and appropriate consequences will be issued per the district 186 dress code.

Word of the day Wednesday: Eradicate. To erase, or remove.

The world needs to eradicate hatred so everyone can live in peace.

Key Club officers- We will have an officer meeting today (Tuesday) after school in room 110.  We will be planning our next full meeting for next Tuesday (1/10/23) and discussing upcoming officer elections. 

Fencing Club will be resuming club meetings as today after school. Don't forget to meet in the Commons after school and look for Mr. Finney. If anyone is interested in joining, don't be afraid to show up either.

Final exam exemption policy: so many of you could have exempted multiple finals, but you had more than 5 absences!  Be here every day, pass your classes, exempt some finals!!!

Any girls interested in trying out for the Softball team returning or new, please fill out the sign-up sheet outside of Coach Porters office RM 175-A in the library. There will be an informational meeting @330pm on Jan 10th in the cafeteria, and open gym on Sundays, 12-2. 

Any questions email Coach Porter at

Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…