Morning Announcements


Tuesday November 29th, 2022

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it’s Tuesday, November 29th, 2022  and I am Allysse Lewis. Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 


Monday’s attendance % was 82.63 come on Spartans let’s get to school!

Tuesday’s Quote of the day: Dear friends never Quit. If you stumble, get back up. What happened yesterday no longer matters. Today is another day. So get back on track and move closer to your dreams and goals. YOU CAN DO IT! Have a terrific Tuesday.

                               ATTENTION ALL BOYS     ATTENTION ALL BOYS

If you did not make the basketball team, or you need to get faster for the football team, or you're so close to dunking the basketball and want to jump higher, come out for track. Boys track meeting is Wednesday November 30th after school, it will be a short informational meeting.

If you are a junior or senior and speak more than one language, please see Mrs. Metz in the Guidance Office.

Softball Interest/Informational Meeting will be held Wednesday Dec 7th in the commons at 315-345. If you have any questions or can’t make this meeting email Ms. Porter at or visit her office in the library room 175A

If you are interested in doing GIRLS track conditioning, it’s today 3:30-5. Please come dressed and ready at 3:30! Meeting in the gym, on the girls locker room side. It will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday! If you have any questions please see Ms. Fairlee in Study Hall.

Dungeons and Dragons Club is having a Dungeon Master training session on Thursday December 1st in room 203 with Mr. Clinton. If DnD is an interest of yours and you want to expand your knowledge of the game, show up with a positive attitude and ready to learn. The meeting is from 3:30 to 4:30

 Attention Seniors - now is the time to vote for your Senior Best Of! Signs are posted with a QR code  and the link to voting can also be found online on our school’s website. Senior quotes and baby pictures are also due. You can submit online to or drop off  to room 206.  


 Stand for the Pledge…