Morning Announcements


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's Tuesday, October 4,  2022 and I am Allysse Lewis. Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day………………………….Thank you.

 Quote of the day…”quote by Desmond Tutu and it says:

Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world. The point is that the good you do will always be waiting around the corner to also do you good.



 “Attention all Spartans, have you ever wanted to learn how to sword fight and engage in an Olympic sport, then come and join the Fencing Club. Spots in the club are limited, so Tryouts will be held on Thursday, October 7th. Please see Mr. Finney before or after school to sign up and receive paperwork.”

Monday’s attendance percentage was:  86.88 percent.

Remember students with perfect attendance between 9/15 and 10/5 will automatically be entered to win free homecoming tickets!!

Are you interested in helping the community?  Do you like to volunteer? Come to the Key Club meeting today, in room 110!  We will meet in room 110 from 3:25-3:45.  There will be treats!  See you there!

Attention Spartan Readers: Book Club will meet in 105 after school on Mondays. Once again, book club is on Mondays!! 

The Crochet Club will meet in Rm 107 this Wednesday, that’s tomorrow afterschool. 

If you are interested in trying out for the Capitols Fortnite team, please make sure you have joined the Discord for tryout information. Tryouts will happen Monday and Wednesday of next week, so do not delay. If you have any questions, contact coach Dalton McGhiey or speak to an esports team member.

You can buy Homecoming Tickets in the commons during lunch. They are $10 in advance. $15 if you wait until Saturday night. There will also be a 360 photo booth at Homecoming for $5

Want to vote for Homecoming Court—Come today to the commons and vote for your class.

Tomorrow (WEDNESDAY)  is Stop Light Day, Thursday is Throw Back Decade Day, and Friday Blue and Gold Day.  Don’t forget to come to the Auditorium to get counted for your class.  

Dance request forms are DUE TOMORROW—WEDNESDAY.  If you are bringing a date from another school, this is in  Room 103.

From the College room...

 Graduates Class of 2023 - FAFSA 23-24 is now OPEN!  TODAY is FAFSA completion night in the Southeast Library from 5:30 - 7:30 (Bring your parent and chromebook, make sure you know your Social Security Number)

Lunch visits - Today ARMY, Wednesday College Fair at the Orr Building - bus will pick up students in the Main lobby after Lunch B, Thursday Southeast Missouri State, and Truman State will be in the College room at 10:35 of Friday (the sign up sheet is outside the college room)

Did you know Ms. Juneteenth is our own class of 2022 graduate Teairriona Harris! She will be hosting a fun night of dancing and bonding across our community on October 22 at the One In a Million Building on 700 S. Livingston Street. Come out and enjoy bonding and learning to dance with Ms. Juneteenth herself. Who knows, maybe you’ll even learn what it takes to become the next Ms. Juneteenth! 

Now if you would, please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance 

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America,

and to the republic for which it stands,

one nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.