Morning Announcements


Wednesday, September 14th, 2022

  Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's word of the day Wednesday, September 14th. Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and schoolwide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day:

Thank you.

Word of the day Wednesday: 

Invective: "insulting or abusive language." It can also refer to an abusive expression or speech.

// Her opening campaign speech was, to the shock of everyone present, filled with invective that contrasted sharply with the expectations of those in attendance

It's deaf awareness month, so in lieu of learning a word of the day, let’s learn from a fellow Spartan about deafness and hearing impairment. So who are you and what is deafness?

 Deafness is when someone can not hear at all. If someone can hear some then they are considered hearing impaired; not deaf. I was born severely hearing impaired. So severe that hearing aids did not help me. I was not able to talk.I used sign language. That is where you speak with your hands. There are a couple of different types of sign language. The most common form is ASL or American Sign Language. I did not learn that. I learned the other kind it is Signed English. The difference is with ASL you only get an idea of what the person is saying. With Signed English, you actually learn a sign for each word you want to say. My mom had me learn Signed English so that when I read I would read the entire text. When I was 5 years old I had my first surgery to have my Cochlear implant placed. Many people believe that Cochlear implants are like hearing aids and actually sometimes even call them that. They are not hearing aids. They are kinda like a computer that was placed in my inner ear with surgery. then there is a magnet on the inside of my scalp. What you see on the outside is actually a computer processor. It picks up the sounds and words and sends them to my inner processor which actually connects to the nerve in my ear that sends it to my brain. When I had my cochlear placed I lost all my residual hearing so now I am completely deaf without my implants.  One thing I would like to say is when you speak to a deaf person whether you talk to them in sign language or if they have implants please take time to talk in your normal voice and face us. That makes it easier for us to understand you. I can read lips very well and if you just take time to face me when you speak with me it makes it a lot easier for me to answer you appropriately.  Another misconception is deaf people are dumb or intellectually inferior. That is just not true Being deaf does not make us dumb. We want to be treated just like any other person. I like to play video games, listen to music, watch movies, read, play sports and just hang out with friends just like every other person that can hear. 

Yesterday’s attendance percentage was: 89.26%. 

Today is the day! Be here every day from now through October 5th to automatically be entered into to win free homecoming tickets! There will be at least 10 winners! Get those free tickets.

Hello from Room 121…

Juniors, Juniors, Juniors! and Seniors! Seniors! Seniors! On October 5th, there is a college fair at the IL State Fair Grounds. Dozens of college representatives will be on hand to offer information and answer your questions about college. If you are interested in college or not sure about college, this event is for you! You will be dismissed after Lunch B to attend and you will be missing 5th, 6th and 7th hours. You are responsible for any missed work. When you arrive at the Orr Building, you will check in with Mrs. Metz (Juniors) or Ms. Lewis (Seniors). You must check in or you will be marked unexcused on attendance. 

Permission slips are available outside of the college room. There are permission slips for riding a bus (limited to the first 70) and for driving yourself. Please take the correct permission slip. Please return permission slips to the GUIDANCE office.

It’s Homecoming Time!

The dance is set for Saturday, October 8 from 7-9 in the Southeast Gym.  Tickets will be $10 in advance and $15 at the door.  Tickets will be on sale the week of October 3-7.

If you are bringing a guest from another school, you MUST fill out a dance request form.  They can be found in the main office.  All forms are due by Wednesday, October 5. No exceptions!!!!

Any questions on Homecoming, please see Ms.  Barcik in Room 103.

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

Ms. Thompson in the library has some great books ready to share with you in celebration of Hispanic heritage, stop by and celebrate great literature!

Spartan Readers, book club will start on Monday 9/19. If you are interested please meet in 105 after school on Monday. 

Attention Key Club! If you are assisting at either the ELC Family Night or the ALS Walk, please make sure you have contacted the person in charge of those events.  If you need their contact information again, please see the notes from September 6 on our Google Classroom. 

Silent lunch will be held in room 127 during A lunch and 236 during b lunch. Feel free to check out of the chaotic cafe, commons, or courtyard for some peace and quiet. It's also a great place to catch up or get ahead on your school work. 

Do you know things? Then the Scholastic Bowl team is for you! Stop by Room 219 to see Mr. Calderon to sign up for Scholastic Bowl today! We'll have an after school meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 13th to talk about 2022-2023 season.

With progress reports here next Monday, let's see what it takes to achieve the highest level in the spartan success program, The Distinguished Scholar Level. This level comes with the most rewards including 2 free activity passes!! To be distinguished, you must have 0 unexcused absences, referrals, suspensions, passing all classes and a earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher! Strive spartans, i know you can achieve this! 

Now if you would, please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance 

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America,

and to the republic for which it stands,

one nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.


Thank you Spartans and have a great day!