Morning Announcements


Friday, September 9th, 2022

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's Shout Out Friday, september 9th, and I am (state your name), remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and schoolwide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day:

Thank you.

It's Shout out Friday!

Shout out to the nursing staff for all your hard work this week- Coach Lauber

Shout out to Ms. Farilee from Nurse Teneil, thank you for 2nd and third hour

Shout out to Ms. Hennenfent for always being accommodating to your students so they can learn and do their best. -Isabella

Shout out to Mr. Ihlen for doing an amazing job - Jackson

 Yesterday’s attendance percentage was: 84.72%.

Remember, 90% of success is showing up! 

How do you want to see Homecoming Decorated?

Come to the commons and vote for your favorite theme.

  • No Place Like Home Homecoming (Wizard of Oz theme)
  • Out of this World Homecoming (Space Theme)
  • Or a  Hoedown Homecoming (Western theme)

Hello from Room 121…

Juniors and Seniors, 

Greenville University will be in the College Room next Wednesday, September 14 at 1:45 - sign up in the college room to receive a pass. Remember, you must have permission from your classroom teacher to attend.

University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign will be in the College Room next Thursday at 10:15 - sign up in the college room to receive a pass. You must have permission from your classroom teacher to attend.

Bradley University - will be in the College Tuesday, Sep 20 at 8:45 and Financial Aid Planning for Juniors and Seniors will be on Sep 22 during both lunch shifts in the Library. Sign up in the college room.

Remember lost and found is held in the student office. If you’ve lost keys, wallets, or any other personal items, be sure to stop by the student office to see if your belongings have been turned in. 

Credit recovery here at Southeast is only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30.  It is held in Room 124 and 127.  

Information about tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays can be found on the SE webpage.  

Are you interested in Key Club?  Do you like to help out in the community? If you are interested and did not receive the email from Mrs. Wilkinson yesterday, please stop by room 110. Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 20 at 3:25.  Hope to see you there!

Silent lunch will be held in room 127 during A lunch. Feel free to check out of the chaotic cafe, commons, or courtyard for some peace and quiet. Its also a great place to catch up or get ahead on your school work. 

 Anime Clubs first meeting will be next Monday 9/12 after school in rm 211, all are welcomed.

Do you know things? Then the Scholastic Bowl team is for you! Stop by Room 219 to see Mr. Calderon to sign up for Scholastic Bowl today! We'll have an after school meeting on Wedesday, Sept. 13th to talk about 2022-2023 season.

Now if you would, please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance 

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America,

and to the republic for which it stands,

one nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.


Thank you Spartans and have a great day!