

Wednesday, August 31st, 2022

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's Word of the day Wednesday and I am (state your name), remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and schoolwide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day:

Thank you.

Word of the day Wednesday:

Effulgence means "radiant splendor" or "brilliance."

// The state capitol's golden dome shone with brilliant effulgence in the late afternoon light.

Yesterday's attendance percentage: 89.23%. Let’s keep up our attendance, because Attendance promotes good future work habits.

Night credit recovery starts at Lawrence on September 20.  Registration is Sept 15.  Classes will be held on Tues, Wed, and Thursday from 4-8.  Each class is $3.00.  Please see your academic assistant principal in the Guidance Office if you would like to enroll.  

Attention Junior and Senior Spartans interested in restorative justice, a career in law enforcement, criminal justice, psychology, human services, or perhaps just interested in improving the Southeast Community. Teen court is looking for new juror’s. Pick up an application from the main or student office and return it to Mr. Z by 9/9. Jury selection and training will take place the following week. 

Attention all NHS students!

We will have our first meeting of the year 

after school at 3:20 on 

THURSDAY, September 8 in 

ROOM 218.

Please let Mrs. Latif or Mrs. Dempsey know if you cannot make this meeting.

The 2022 Spartan yearbook is here! Extra copies are available for $70 in room 206. Don't miss out on the memories! 

The Southeast Softball Team is looking for pitchers for this upcoming season. 

If you are interested in learning how to pitch please contact Coach Porter or stop by my office in 175A.  

Boys Basketball will have a 10-15 minute meeting Wednesday in the commons at 2:30.  Students that are not playing a fall sport can attend.

Are you interested in the Medical Field - maybe becoming a doctor or a nurse? The P4 program is offered to Freshman students interested in becoming a Doctor. High school freshmen interested in becoming doctors are invited to the Physician Pipeline Preparatory Program (P4), sponsored by SIU School of Medicine, Springfield Public School District 186 and the Sangamon County Medical Society. P4 places freshmen high school students alongside medical students and other professionals for a rigorous curriculum introducing them to the field of medicine and exposing them to dozens of physician career possibilities. 

The application and more information are on the College and Career Canvas Home page and on the Southeast website. Applications are due by September 7th. Yes, they are due next Wednesday...Apply today!

Nurses - The NP3 program is a similar program geared to underclassmen interested in becoming a nurse. The NP3 program is sponsored by St. John’s School of Nursing and meets after school 2 weeks in the Fall and 2 weeks in the Spring. The application and more information about the program are on the College and Career Canvas home page. Applications are due by October 3rd.

Calling all aspiring monster hunters, dungeon masters, sword wielders, and those people who shoot spells out of sticks. Are you looking for your next adventure? Gather up your friends and meet Mr. Clinton in the Commons after school next Tuesday, September 6th. Remember, all you need for Dungeons and Dragons is your imagination. Hope to see you there!

The Southeast Gay-Straight Alliance will be meeting every Monday from 330-430pm in room 138B, which is next door to the foods lab in the Health and Science wing. Our mission is to encourage acceptance and celebration of all kinds of diversity in our school and in our community, including (but not limited to) differences in sexual orientation, gender, culture, and race to promote a safe learning environment for all. 

Now if you would, please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance 

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America,

and to the republic for which it stands,

one nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.


Thank you Spartans and have a great day!