Morning Announcements


Tuesday August 23rd, 2022

 Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's Quote Tuesday, and I am (state your name), remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and schoolwide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day:

Thank you.

Quote of the day: 

Keep beginning and failing, every time you fail, you start over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose. Not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember. -Anne Sullivan

Any student interested in joining avid, please see your AP as soon as possible by signing the clipboard across from room 120. Students who take Avid are more successful after high school no matter what path they choose.

The 2022 Spartan yearbook is here! Extra copies are available for $70 in room 206. Don't miss out on the memories!

If you have not bought a parking tag to park in the students parking lot, you cannot park there.  If you would like to purchase a tag, please see Ms. Coleman in the main office.   The cost is $30.

Attention all Juniors interested in becoming a teacher, there are still a few remaining slots in the teacher education pipeline. Please sign the clipboard to see Mrs. Metz ASAP to be enrolled in the teacher education pipeline through LLCC.

Attention all seniors interested in early graduation, if you haven’t already spoke to Mrs. Lewis you need to do so ASAP! Please sign the clipboard, and write “early grad” in the note section. 

Are you interested in a military career in the army? If so, visit the army reps in the commons on today to learn more.

Any future nurses in the house today? The NP3 Nursing Preparatory Pipeline through St. John’s will be here Friday in the cafeteria at lunch. Start planning your future today!


All girls interested in playing basketball this year for the Lady Spartans, there will be an important informational meeting THURSDAY after school in the commons at 3:35. The meeting will last one hour.

Any student interested in being the Social Media Content Creator for the Lady Spartan Basketball program please see Coach Collins or attend the team meeting THURSDAY after school in the commons at 3:35. The meeting will last one hour

Any student interested in being a team manager for the Lady Spartan Basketball program there will be an important informational meeting THURSDAY after school in the commons at 3:35. The meeting will last one hour.



Now if you would, please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance 

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America,

and to the republic for which it stands,

one nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.


Thank you Spartans and have a great day!