morning announcements


May 21st, 2024

Topic/Air length

SE Spartan Announcements

Good Morning Southeast students and staff. It's Tuesday, May 21st, 2024! I’m _____________. 

Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations, allow for learning throughout the building, and can think critically.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

General Inf0

Hey Spartans, if you are ever absent or just wanting to go back to see announcements because something really cool caught your attention.

Go to the Southeast webpage, scroll down and you will see the current announcements. If you want to see older announcements, click on SEE ALL POSTS.

From there you can click on any date, and either view the video, or quickly read through the printed copy to find practice times, club announcements, or just general information. 


Ok students. I know we only have a few days left, but we are limited on clothes so you need to wear appropriate clothes to school otherwise you may have to sit in in house. I know it’s hot, but the shorts need to be longer than your fingertips, and the shirts need to cover your WHOLE belly. Please do not make dress code an issue these last few days. Thanks

Juniors - class of 2025 senior pictures will be held on Friday, August 16 in the auditorium from 10-2.  Please see signs around school or the school's website to sign up.

Seniors need to move their data out of their district accounts - this is referring to their google accounts.  At some point after graduation the accounts will be deleted.

Exemption forms are due TODAY!

Any 9th grader who has failed a class and needs summer school, please pick up a summer school form in Guidance and return the form with a parent signature to Ms. Lewis in the Guidance office. She will fill out which classes each student needs and will turn each returned form to the summer school administrators to get you registered for summer school. If you have any questions see Ms. Lewis in the Guidance office

Seniors, make sure you return all checked-out materials. This includes library books, textbooks, book club books from English classes, and calculators. Stop by the library to return these items or check the status of your account. If you have any district materials like library books or textbooks from other schools, those can be returned to the library as well. 

The library is closed for checkout for the remainder of the school year and all books should be returned ASAP.




Key Club, make sure you pick up volunteer hour forms from Mrs. Wilkinson to complete over the summer.  




All students interested in fall sports are encouraged to participate in pre-season conditioning this summer. Visit the school website or check your email often for schedules and updates. There will be a parent meeting for all sports on Wednesday, May 29th at 6PM in the Commons. We will discuss the future of Southeast sports, booster club participation, and summer schedules. The first 50 parents to arrive receive a free Spartan t-shirt. Don't forget to check your email and visit the school website for sports updates all summer long. 

Did you know that Southeast has GOLF? Have you played golf before? Are you looking to join a sport? Email or stop by the College Room to learn more about our Golf team.

Don’t have clubs??? not a problem - we have loaner sets available. Golf season is from early August through early October. 

Anyone interested in running cross country next school year, please see Coach French or email Coach White - Conditioning starts in July and the season officially starts in August. There are no tryouts so you are on the team as long as you are academically eligible.


Check the Southeast Athletics webpage for the full sports calendar. 


Congratulations to the boys who qualified and will compete in track this weekend. Go Spartans!


Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all

These are the last video announcements for the school year. Good luck on finals Spartans, and have a safe and wonderful summer!