morning announcements


April 19th, 2024

Topic/Air length

SE Spartan Announcements

Good Morning Southeast students and staff. It's Friday, April 19th, 2024! I’m _____________. 

Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations, allow for learning throughout the building, and can think critically.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

General Inf0

Hey Spartans, if you are ever absent or just wanting to go back to see announcements because something really cool caught your attention.

Go to the Southeast webpage, scroll down and you will see the current announcements. If you want to see older announcements, click on SEE ALL POSTS.

From there you can click on any date, and either view the video, or quickly read through the printed copy to find practice times, club announcements, or just general information. 


SENIORS - If you still need to order your cap and gown, you must place your order online or over the phone.   Caps and gowns will be delivered on April 25th to those that have already ordered them.  

It’s Prom Time--- Prom will be Saturday, May 4th at Erin’s Pavilion from 7-10.  If you are bringing a date that does not attend Southeast, you MUST fill out a date request form. They are found in the main office and need to be filled out and returned by April 30.  No exceptions.  Also, if you received a suspension for semester 2, you are not eligible to go to prom. Tickets will be on sale starting April 29 in the commons during lunch shifts.  They will be $25. 

Juniors and seniors interested in running for Prom Court, forms are now available in the main office.  They need to be returned by TODAY. If you have any questions about prom, please stop by Room 103 and see Mrs. Barcik. 

This year's Post Prom event will be at Sky Zone on May 4th following Prom. The event is free for those students with a Prom ticket, or $5 at the door for any Southeast Junior and Senior that didn’t attend Prom.  If you plan on attending Sky Zone Post Prom, put your name on the Post Prom sign-up sheet that can be found in the main office.

A Sky Zone waiver is required and needs to be turned in by April 24th. There are two ways to submit the waiver.

1. Online waivers can be accessed using the QR code on the flier around school. 

2. Paper waivers can be picked up from and also turned into the main office.




Attention anyone interested in joining the Southeast Poms team there will be a Parent Informational Meeting on Wednesday May 1st from 6-7 pm in the Southeast Library.  Clinics will be May 9th and 10th from 3:30-6 pm in the Southeast Gym.  Tryouts will be Saturday May 11th from 9am-12pm at the Southeast Gym.  If you have any questions please see Ms. Goodrich in room 139A.

Clue: the high school edition will be performed this Saturday April 20th at 7pm  and Sunday the 21st at 2pm here at Southeast High School.  Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students.  Now please enjoy this short advertisement for the play.




Friday, April 19

AWAY: Baseball @ Mt. Pulaski - 4:30 PM

AWAY: Girls Track @ Glenwood - 4:30 PM

AWAY: Softball @ Riverton - 4:30 PM

Saturday, April 20

AWAY: Girls Soccer @ Bloomington High School - 10:00 AM


Check the Southeast Athletics webpage for the full sports calendar. 

Now a short message from the boys track team!


Do you play guitar or drums? Do you sing? Are you READY TO ROCK?! 

It's time for BATTLES OF THE BANDS!!! Bands will perform during the lunch hours during the week of May 16-17. For signup and additional information, see Mr. Philbrick in the band room 162.


Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all