Morning Announcements - Thursday, January 4, 2024


January 3rd, 2024

Topic/Air length

SE Spartan Announcements

Good Morning Southeast students and staff. It's Thursday, January 3rd, 2024! I’m _____________. 

Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations, allow for learning throughout the building, and can think critically.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

General Inf0

Hey Spartans, if you are ever absent or just wanting to go back to see announcements because something really cool caught your attention.

Go to the Southeast webpage, scroll down and you will see the current announcements. If you want to see older announcements, click on SEE ALL POSTS.

From there you can click on any date, and either view the video, or quickly read through the printed copy to find practice times, club announcements, or just general information. 


If you would like to read announcements, please sign up in Ms. Miller’s office in the student office. 


Hey Spartans, if you are ever absent or just wanting to go back to see announcements because something really cool caught your attention.

Go to the Southeast webpage, scroll down and you will see the current announcements. If you want to see older announcements, click on SEE ALL POSTS.

From there you can click on any date, and either view the video, or quickly read through the printed copy to find practice times, club announcements, or just general information. 



Attention drama club members - mandatory meeting for anyone interested in auditioning for the play this Thursday from 3:30-4 p.m.  Report to room 161 to receive audition packets and important information regarding auditions.  Please attend whether you are wanting to be considered for a part onstage or a stagehand/crew member.  Thank you.




Anyone interested in baseball this spring we will have open gym Sunday January 7th from 2-4.  Please see coach Leininger in room 218 if you have any questions.

Calling all young ladies interested in track & field, Come dressed and ready to work TODAY and Friday at 3:30 in the commons!

Boys will also have track practice TODAY after school. Meet in the commons.


Check the Southeast Athletics webpage for the full sports calendar. 


Hey Spartans! Many of you know Mr. Gardner as your math teacher. Did you also know he is the wrestling coach HERE at Southeast. Coach Gardner was a wrestler from a young age through college. He wrestled at a National level, and was asked to coach at a National level. He has continued to contribute to the sport by running tournaments and coaching at the high school level. 

A few weeks ago, Coach Gardner received a call that he is being inducted into the Illinois Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association Hall of Fame!

This is an honor that both his father and uncle earned in the 80’s. 

To add to this great honor he is also being inducted into the Springfield Wrestling Hall of Fame.

Congratulations Coach Garnder on your well deserved accomplishments!


Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all