Morning Announcements


October 3rd, 2023

Topic/Air length

SE Spartan Announcements

Good Morning Southeast students and staff. It's Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023! I’m _____________. 

Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

Quote Tuesday 

Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless. By Thomas A. Edison

General Inf0





The Southeast Choir will be holding a Pizza Ranch fundraising event, this Wednesday, October 4th.  Students and families are invited to come out and have dinner at Pizza Ranch that evening, anytime from 4:30-close.  A percentage of the evening's food sales will be donated to our choir.  The choir students will be working the event; bussing tables, filling drinks and more!  We’d love to see you there, and we thank you in advance for your continued support.

Seniors- You should have gotten your permission slips in your English classes last Thursday for your college visit/job shadow/or volunteer day on October 4th. These permission slips are due in the GUIDANCE OFFICE no later than 3:30 on TODAY (10/3). See Mrs. Metz if you have questions.

Please check lost and found in the student office if anything you once had is now missing. There are a lot of jackets, water bottles, and other things.

Don't forget there is a bus permission form outside the college and career room for the October 17 college fair at Union Baptist Church.


From the college room…

Tuesday - The US NAVY will be at both lunches

Wednesday - Capitol Area Education Fair or College Fair will be at the Orr Building on the State Fair Grounds (Green permission slips)

Thursday - US Marine Corps will be at lunch

Also Thursday, Concordia College Chicago will be visiting at 8:30 in room 120. Sign up is outside the college room. 



Blue Crew will be meeting this Thursday, October 5th in Mrs. Collins' Room 107. We hope to see you there!

The Scholastic Bowl team is looking for our trivia all stars here at Southeast High School! Stop by Mr. Calderon's room, 219, for more information on how you can join our scholastic bowl team today!

Please join Spanish Club! Sign up in Rm 112 any time, and come for our first, brief meeting right after school in Rm 112 this Wed., Oct. 4th. Decide if you'd like to run for office, vote on your choice of activities this year, and sign up for the Oct. 13th field trip. First meeting will be a short one on Wed., Oct. 4th, right after school. ¡Gracias!

"Don't forget to stop by the library and guess the banned books in the jar. 

Clue 1: Both books have authors with the last name Anderson.

Clue 2: both books have one-word titles

Fill out a slip with your name and your guesses and enter to win a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card. Also, make sure you get "caught in the act" of reading during Banned Books Week to enter the drawing. Your teachers will submit your names via email to Ms. Thompson. Celebrate your Freedom to Read!"


Key Club will meet TODAY after school in room 110, 3:25-3:45.  Please bring your September volunteer hours form and your dues ($15) to the meeting.  Our after-meeting volunteer activity, 3:45-4:45, will be outside so please dress accordingly.

Drama Club wants to thank ALL who auditioned for the staged reading of "A Call for Help", in conjunction with the UIS Event called "ENOUGH! Plays to End Gun Violence." Your courage, talent, and maturity towards such a sensitive topic were IMPRESSIVE! We are proud of you!

Please check your email for an invitation to call-backs. Call-backs are invitation-only, and will be held right after school on Thursday, October 5th in Mrs. Friday's room, Rm 112. See her for specific call-back audition materials.

Our next REGULAR Drama Club meeting will be on Oct. 10th in the auditorium after school. It's not too late to join! We hope to see you there!




If you are interested in trying out for the softball team. Make sure you are passing 1st semester or you will be ineligible to try- out. 



Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all