Morning Announcements


September 26, 2023

Topic/Air length

SE Spartan Announcements

Good Morning Southeast students and staff. It's Tuesday, September 26th, 2023! I’m _____________. 

Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

Tuesday Quote

Life is an adventure in forgiveness- By: Norman Cousins

General Inf0



Please check lost and found in the student office if anything you once had is now missing. There are a lot of jackets, water bottles, and other things.

All fall sports pictures will be on Wednesday, September 27. This is for girls tennis, golf, cross country, boys soccer, and girls swimming.  Please wear your uniform and report to the auditorium at 2:30 on September 27. 

Don't forget there is a bus permission form outside the college and career room for the October 17 college fair at Union Baptist Church.

Representative visits…

Wednesday Plumbers and Pipefitters will be here in the Commons at lunch to talk about various apprenticeships and trades options

Lincoln Land Community College - every Wednesday at lunch

Greenville University - will be in the College Room 121 at 1:45 on Wednesday … sign up is on the table outside of the college room

Augustana University - will be in the College Room 121 at 1:00 next Friday…sign up is on the table outside of the college room

Upcoming field trips -

September 26 - UIS Nurse for a Day (Full)

October 4th - Juniors and Seniors - Drive yourself to the Education Fair at the Orr Building on the State Fair Grounds - permission slips are outside of the college room. They are green. 








Art Club meets Thursdays from 3:30-4:45 in room 104.

Book club members, and anyone wanting to join, please stop by 105 (Ms. Jones’ room) right after school on Wednesday to pick up a copy of the book and a cute bookmark!

There is a drama club meeting in the auditorium after school TODAY 9/26

Have you had "Enough!"? Then the 2023 "Enough! Plays to End Gun Violence" Event may be for you. Please listen and watch the following announcement for a very exciting and meaningful chance to audition for a staged reading play that will be performed by selected Southeast students at UIS on Nov. 6th. Please join Drama Club, but to audition for this staged play you do not HAVE to be a member. 

Copies of audition parts can be picked up in Ms. Jones' room or Mrs. Friday's room. Let's represent Southeast at the annual "Enough!" event, and use activist theater to bring awareness against gun violence. We look forward to seeing you at auditions!! (NOW FOR A SHORT VIDEO)


Attention students progress report grades just went in, if you are not thrilled with your grades don't stress we offer after school tutoring on Tuesday and Thursday here at SSHS.  

Science is with Mr. Potter in room 141 and Mr. Walls in room 234.  English is with Mrs. Latif in room 119.  Foreign Language Ms. Ippach in room 122.  AP is with Ms. Jannazzo in the college room and also during lunch!  Math is with Mr. Biggers on TUESDAY only in room 124.  Make sure to reach out to your teachers if you need help.






Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all