Morning Announcements


August 31, 2023

Topic/Air length

SE Spartan Announcements

Good Morning Southeast students and staff. It's Thursday, August 31th, 2023! I’m _____________. 

Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

General Info



MWF until 9/22


Students do not share lockers. You are responsible for what is in those lockers, and will get in trouble for sharing with your friends. If you have locker issues, come to the student office.


If anyone is interested in reading these announcements, please come see Ms. Miller during lunch in the cafeteria. 

This year Capital Area Career Center will be hosting a Meet the Staff Night on Thursday, August 31st. This event will be an excellent way for parents/guardians to meet your son or daughter’s teacher in person and get valuable information about the program they are enrolled in at CACC this year. The night will be divided into two different sessions. The first session will start at 5 pm and end at 6 pm. and the second session will begin at 6 pm and end at 7 pm. Each session will be divided into two parts. One presentation will be with the teacher, and the other presentation will be with the Principal and Student Services staff. Please plan to attend!

Spartans—it’s hard to believe but Homecoming will be here before you know it.  Get that dress and get that date.  The homecoming dance is Saturday, September 23 from 7-9 here at Southeast High School.  Tickets are $10.  If you are bringing a date that does NOT attend Southeast,  you MUST fill out a date request form.  These can be found in the main office and are due back by Wednesday, September 20.  Any questions, please see Mrs. Barcik in Room 103. 

Thriving Thursday from the Peace Room:

When thinking about your health, you may tend to think about physical pain or illness, but did you know that mental health is just as important and goes hand in hand with your physical health? Your mental health impacts your physical health and vice versa. Per CDC, over 1 in 5 youth ages 13-18 struggle with their mental health. This number is likely much higher due to unreported cases. Many barriers can prevent people from taking care of their mental health including stigma, cost, and access to mental health treatment. Fortunately, there are things you can do every day to improve your own mental health-Self Care! Here are a few ways you have control over your mental health:

1.      Make a regular sleep routine a priority. 

2.      Decrease your time on social media. 

3.      Make time for a few minutes of mindfulness      or self-reflection. 

4.      Breathe in, and out slowly. 

5.      Talk kindly to yourself and others around you. 

6.      Express gratitude. 

And while you are here at school, if you are feeling overwhelmed, need someone to talk to for support, or want help accessing more mental health resources, please visit your Peace Room Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is a calm and safe space for all students at Southeast to utilize.  If you have questions, see Mrs. Coley in the Peace Room or talk to your teacher for more information. 








Attention 9th grade students! If you are interested in becoming a Physician or Nurse, please stop by and see Ms. Lewis in the Guidance Office. The Physician Preparatory Pathway Program (P4) is for students interested in becoming a physician. The Nursing Pipeline Preparatory Program(NP3) is for those students interested in becoming a nurse. The applications need to be completed and turned in by Tuesday, September 6th!  See Ms. Lewis in the Guidance office if you have any questions!


The Superintendent’s Student Roundtable is now accepting applications for the 2023-24 school year. The group provides a forum for youth to strengthen unity between all local high schools, and the community. A link to the application can be found on each high school’s website.  Returning members are asked to complete the form, also. Those that complete the application should watch their ROOMS app for information about the first meeting.

The Sign Language club is focused on increasing it's members ability to sign American Sign Language, general knowledge regarding Deaf customs & culture.  All are welcome to attend the meetings, & it is an open attendance policy.  We meet on Thursdays in room 211 starting at 3:30PM. First meeting is TODAY Thursday 8/31.

Do you enjoy helping in our community? Were you in Beta Club in middle school? Key Club is for you! Key Club is a student-led, high school organization where our members make the world a better place through volunteerism.  In doing so, we grow as individuals and as leaders by answering the call to lead and summoning the courage to engage with others. We will meet on Tuesday, September 5, in room 110 (Mrs. Wilkinson’s room), from 3:25-3:45.

"Picture this: sirens going off in the distance, the sky begins to darken, lightning crackles around a peculiar cloud. You look closer and see Mr. Trigg's face start forming. His laugh creates loud thunderous booms as referrals start raining from the sky. What would you do!?!?!?

You know what this means? DnD Club is right around the corner. This year there will be a DM training session on Tuesday September 5th, in Mr. Clinton's room (203) from 3:30 to 4:30. There will be a sign up sheet outside of his door for both, the DM training and the club.





TODAY Thursday, August 31st there will be a Lady Spartan Girls Basketball meeting at 3:30 in the commons for all girls interested in being on the team this season.  If you are presently playing a fall sport you do not have to attend this meeting.  Any questions please see Coach Collins.

Thursday 31st- Another Girls volleyball game @ Eisenhower @ 6pm



Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all