Morning Announcements


August 24, 2023

Topic/Air length

SE Spartan Announcements

Good Morning Southeast students and staff. It's Thursday, August 24th,  2023! I'm Ms. Miller and I’m Mrs. Cotner. Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

General Info






Then MWF until 9/22


If anyone is interested in reading these announcements, please come see Ms. Miller during lunch in the cafeteria. 


Lunch changes for the 23-24 school year!

Due to class utilization, the library is no longer open to students during lunch. We still allow students to eat in the commons, cafeteria and courtyard. If you need to study, or just want a quiet place to relax and eat lunch, the silent lunch rooms will be open. Lunch A will be held in 127. You must arrive by 11:15. Lunch B will have silent lunch in room 209, you must arrive by 12:10, or you will not be allowed to attend that day. 

Have you heard of the Peace Room yet, here at Southeast? This is a safe and confidential mental health space for any student to utilize during the school day for drop-in emotional support, mental health educational materials and resources, and connection to ongoing counseling services if needed. The Peace Room is available to all students-Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each week, run by a Memorial Behavioral Health Licensed therapist. Please see Mrs. Coley in the Peace Room with any questions!

Attention from the health office!! If you have your physical and immunization papers with you at school, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE bring them to the nurse's office, Room 125 today. If you forgot them at home, bring them to the nurse tomorrow. We need those forms ASAP. 

Just a reminder, all first-year freshmen have to have had a physical between September 2022 and September 2023. All seniors have to have had a meningococcal vaccine after their 16th birthday. Any student new to district 186 has to submit a physical and immunization record.

Spartans—it’s hard to believe but Homecoming will be here before you know it.  Get that dress and get that date.  The homecoming dance is Saturday, September 23 from 7-9 here at Southeast High School.  Tickets are $10.  If you are bringing a date that does NOT attend Southeast,  you MUST fill out a date request form.  These can be found in the main office and are due back by Wednesday, September 20.  Any questions, please see Mrs. Barcik in Room 103. 

Attention all students that drive a vehicle to school.  Parking spaces are still available for purchase in the Main Office before and after school or at lunch time.  The fee is $30 for the school year.  You will be given a designated parking space to use for the school year.  If you have not purchased a space then you must park on the street.  Violators will be towed at their own expense.





NHS students, your first official meeting for this year is after school Tuesday, August 29th in room 119. 


Attention Juniors and Seniors, do you believe in restorative justice? Are you a critical thinker who wants to improve your community through education and restoration as opposed to punishment? If so, you may make a great teen court juror. Applications can be picked up in the student office and are due back to Mr. Z by 9/1/23. For more info, visit Mr. Z during lunch in the cafeteria.

Are you over the age of 16, employed or looking for employment, and interested in developing leadership ability? If so, Future Leader Pathways of Central Illinois is for you! District 186 and our strategic partners will provide training that will enhance your ability to make informed decisions regarding future careers, as well as provide targeted training that will develop leadership skills based on your personal goals, but also applicable in many aspects of student and professional life. If interested, see Mr. Z in the student office to learn more about getting involved in the excellent opportunity.






The cross country team still needs runners.  We do not have try-outs or make cuts.  You are automatically on the team if you have a physical, passing grades and no behavior issues.  If you are interested, please see Coach French in Room 126 or find Coach White in the gym right after 

Esports tryouts start this Friday. New games have been added including Call of Duty, Apex, and more. If you are interested in trying out for the esports team, scan the QR code found on the flyer in the stairwell next to the library to join our Discord. The full tryout schedule can be found in Discord and on the District website. Come be a part of one of the most successful programs in the country.



Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all