Morning Announcements


Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's Word of the day Wednesday May 10,  2023! Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

The word of the day is Lucid which means clear, logical, thought through…  Because the cold medicine made Lucy drowsy, she was not very lucid.

Attention students taking the AP World History exam you will be taking that exam Thursday morning at 8:30 in room 139A and 139B. Please note there is a change in the original room that was listed.

Come one come all to the Southeast American Sign Language club.  We will meet Tomorrow Thursdays in room 211 after school for about 30 minutes. The club is focused on increasing our knowledge of American Sign Language.  It is welcome to anyone who is interested, and if you do not know any ASL that is OK.  We are open to new signers!

Book club members, Ms. Jones would like her books back. Please return any of Ms. Jones’ books to room 105. Thank you!

Seniors, The sign up sheet for the staff senior dodgeball game is in the main office! Be sure you sign up in order to participate. You must also be passing 5 of 7 classes and have zero suspensions for this school year. A mandatory pre-game meeting will be held after school in room 103 today.

Oh and freshman sophomores and juniors, you thought we forgot about you. No you can’t get in the staff dodgeball game, but you can make sure your class reigns supreme! We will have class war in between the dodgeball games! Round one will feature freshman vs seniors and sophomores vs juniors. The winners of that round will then compete in the championship! Which class will rule the school on the 12th? You have to sign up for a chance to rep your class!

The SSHS GSA club will be marching in this year’s Pridefest Parade, which is on May 20. T-shirt sales have closed, but they do a few extras for people who want to join them when they walk in the parade. These are first-come/ first-served, so email Mr. March if you’d like to join!

From the Library: 

The last day to check out books in the library is Friday, May 12.

All library materials are due Thursday, May 18. 

Remember, students, you have access to free ebooks and audiobooks through SORA and the Lincoln Library all year round, so if you are not sure how to access these materials, see Ms. Thompson in the library before summer break begins.

The Southeast Choir will be performing their Spring Concert this Thursday, May 11th at 7:00 p.m., in our auditorium.  The concert is free and open to the public.  Students have been working hard, preparing for this event.  The concert will include senior recognition and an awards ceremony.  We’d love to see you in attendance to show your support for fine arts in our school.

The 2023 Spartan Yearbook has been delivered to the building and will be handed out today!! Do you have your copy ordered? Stop by the Main Office or room 206 to place your order. The cost is $75 

Seniors - Cap and Gown pictures will be taken before the Senior Awards Ceremony on Thursday, March 18th from 5-6 PM in the Taylor Street Lobby. Order forms are online, in the Main Office or in room 206. Prices are reasonable and you will receive your orders before senior finals.

Attention students the lost and found in the student office have 5 pairs of shoes and some hoodies and jackets that have been turned in over the past few weeks.  Also we have some house keys and car keys.  They will all be thrown out on the last day of school. So if you're missing something please come down to the student office and check it out! 

Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all