Morning Announcements


TUESDAY, May 2, 2023

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's Tuesday, May 2, 2023! Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

"Reminder to seniors - make sure all overdue library books are turned in and all fines are paid. If you have books that belong to any school in the district - bring them to the library and Ms. Thompson will get them to the correct location and off your account so you can graduate on time."

Issues of the East side chronicle’s City Magazine will be available today for two dollars during both lunch periods. You want these mags! There may be a picture of you in attendance, and if you were on the team you’ll be featured with your team's roster as well! 

Attentions Spartans, Prom is just a few short weeks away. To be eligible to attend prom students must meet the following criteria. 

1. Be passing 5 out 7 classes on the May 1st progress reports

2. 3 or fewer days of Out of School Suspension

3. Students must be in attendance at least a half day on Friday May 5th. 

4. Students bringing guests from another school must have signed permission slips for their guests to attend by may 4th

5. Students must arrive at prom by 8:30 pm. Students will not be permitted after this time. 

Hey, are you in need of a prom dress? Any juniors or seniors who need prom dresses, please see Ms Sellars in guidance or Ms Thompson in the library! 

Seniors, The sign up sheet for the staff senior dodgeball game is in the main office! Be sure you sign up in order to participate. You must also be passing 5 of 7 classes and have zero suspensions for this school year. A mandatory pre-game meeting will be held after school in room 103 on Wednesday, May 10th.

From the college room…

Seniors! Congratulations, you are almost there! Keep working on your grades. If you have chosen a college or trade school, you should have 1. met with your advisor, 2. found out what your financial aid offer is (remember loans must be paid back, grants and scholarships do not have to be paid back), 3. signed up for New Student Orientation, 4. made a deposit on housing and tuition, 5. register for classes (some may not be open). 

Brother Marcus, Southeast Legacy and Black Lives Matter Scholarships are due ASAP! 

If you have chosen the Military, you should have a start date or at least an ASVAB testing date set.

All Seniors should have the FAFSA completed or the non-participation form.

Juniors! Yep, Class of 2024...This Wednesday, in the Library during both lunch shifts - we will have a special guest to talk to us about COLLEGE 101 and how to be ready for your Senior year. Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 3rd in the Library — bring your lunch and a friend:)

Team Pictures will be as follows:

Girls Track - Tomorrow Wednesday, May 3, 2023 @ 3:45 on the track

Baseball - Thursday, May 8, 2023 @ 3:45 on the field (this is rescheduled from 5/4)

The 2023 Spartan Yearbook will arrive in May! Do you have your copy ordered? Stop by the Main Office or room 206 to place your order. It is $70 and $75 when it arrives.

Hey potential movie stars, wanna be in a nationwide commercial? UIS is shooting a safe2help commercial in our building Saturday May 6th and is looking for student actors. There are two shifts, 8AM-11:30 and 11:30-4PM. Actors will be fed breakfast and lunch. Stop by the student office to sign up if you're interested in this opportunity to build your actor portfolio! 

Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all