Morning Announcements


Thursday, February 23, 2023

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's Thriving Thursday - February 23. Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

Yesterday’s attendance% was 86.42, way to fight the elements and be here! 

Thriving Thursday: today's theme is to be more persuasive strategically. 

1. Know your audience and their interest

Understanding the subtle differences between the people you’re speaking with helps you adjust your behavior to their interests. This could mean using a mellow tone of voice with a reserved person to put them at ease or emphasizing how doing things your way will save a certain person time. 

2. Don’t be pushy

Even if you think your idea is best, a pushy approach only drives people away. Being pushy causes defensiveness and makes people check out before you’re able to give a thorough, convincing pitch. Instead, an assured, straightforward approach shows you’re not mincing words or using manipulative tactics. Listen well and concede if they make a good point.  

3. Use positive and engaging body language

Pay close attention to your nonverbal communication — positive body language draws people in and may make them more receptive to your ideas. Some techniques include uncrossing your arms, making eye contact, leaning toward the person speaking, and using a passionate tone. How you say something is just as important as what you have to say. 

4. Get to the point

Nobody enjoys burdensome, complex explanations — they’re tiresome and boring, and your ideas seem less appealing. Speaking to your audience in a straightforward, transparent manner makes your point understandable and enjoyable, and shows you’ve thought deeply about the topic.

5. Maintain a sincere tone

When trying to persuade others, assuring them of your honesty goes a long way toward increasing trust. You want to prove that your idea adds more value than someone else’s, not trick people into believing it's a good solution.

Those who come off as phony or over-confident often cause doubts, even if their pitch is strong. When you demonstrate honesty, people let their guard down and become more receptive.                                                 6. Ask detailed questions For those wondering how to be more persuasive in sales or customer-oriented roles, asking questions shows a genuine interest in someone’s needs or concerns. Many people focus on explaining their point in extreme detail in the hopes of winning someone over. But closely listening to people’s ideas shows you genuinely care about this person agreeing with you.When your audience knows you value what they have to say, it creates a better rapport and enhances communication

If you are planning to try-out for softball, there is a mandatory meeting on Thursday Feb 23rd at 3:30pm in the commons. 

Seniors! How much money do you make in an hour at your current job???     

30 minutes is the average time it takes to complete a Scholarship application worth $250 - $5,000 or more.

Apply, Apply, Apply! Don’t leave money on the table. 

Not sure how to apply to a scholarship or what scholarships are available - click the red button on the College and Career Canvas page or check your emails from Ms. Jannazzo at 

The first ever Esports City Tournament is happening at the end of March! If you would like to try out to represent the Spartans, contact Coach McGhiey on Discord or speak to an esports team member. You do not already have to be in the esports program to try out. We're breaking up the Capitols, inviting the Cyclones, and seeing who the best esports school in Springfield is!

Anybody interested in playing baseball this year. Tryouts will be on Monday February 27th. Additional information regarding times will be in announcements by Thursday. Any questions please see coach Leininger. 

Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all