Morning Announcements


Tuesday, February 21st, 2023

Good Morning Southeast students and staff, it's Tuesday  February 21st, 2023! Remember that successful Spartans ARE RESPECTFUL, they follow classroom and school wide expectations and allow for learning throughout the building.

And now for a moment of silence to start our day…Thank you. 

Attention students, the library will be closed today Tuesday during both lunch A & B.  If you need a quiet spot to eat and or study make sure to check out quiet lunch rooms, Lunch A is in room 127 and Lunch B is in room 236!

Attention Wrestlers b-ballers and swimmers/divers, you are still welcome to come join the Spartan track teams. Reach out to coach Ballard for the boys team, or coach French for the girls team. 

Key Club will meet Tuesday(today) in room 110, 3:25-3:45. We’re going to have guest speakers, election results, and an after-meeting activity (3:45-4:45)

If any  male student is interested in boys tennis, please see Mr. Devoe.

If you are planning to try-out for softball, there is a mandatory meeting on Thursday Feb 23rd at 3:30pm in the commons. 

Seniors! How much money do you make in an hour at your current job???     

30 minutes is the average time it takes to complete a Scholarship application worth $250 - $5,000 or more.

Apply, Apply, Apply! Don’t leave money on the table. 

Not sure how to apply to a scholarship or what scholarships are available - click the red button on the College and Career Canvas page or check your emails from Ms. Jannazzo at 

The first ever Esports City Tournament is happening at the end of March! If you would like to try out to represent the Spartans, contact Coach McGhiey on Discord or speak to an esports team member. You do not already have to be in the esports program to try out. We're breaking up the Capitols, inviting the Cyclones, and seeing who the best esports school in Springfield is!

The first 3 people to bring completed word games from the Eastside Chronicle to room 105 will get a prize. 

Attention students this is your final reminder that school ends at 3:17 which means you must be out of the building or with your sport or activity by 3:30!  You are not allowed to be in the building after 3:30 unless you are with your teacher or coach.  If you are caught walking around you can be disciplined.  

Now if you would please Stand for the Pledge…

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands 

One nation, under God Indivisible 

with liberty and justice for all