Please read the important information on this flyer if your child receives Medicaid Benefits.
almost 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Medicaid Flyer
It is the mission of prekindergarten to provide a high quality, developmentally appropriate educational program that helps preschool children develop skills that will enable them to be successful in kindergarten and encourage them to become eager, life long learners. Children who attend pre-kindergarten are 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1 of the year they are enrolled. Children with special needs may be eligible to start on their third birthday. Call today to get your child screened at 217-525-3365.
almost 2 years ago, SPS District 186
pre-k screening
We need your help! District 186 is in need of crossing guards at a few of our elementary schools to help make sure our students can get to and from school safely. These positions are great for someone who enjoys children and would like to help out at a school for only two hours per day. Our crossing guards are an important part of District 186. You are the first smile our students see in the morning and the last smile they see before they get home. If you have an interest in this position or know someone that might, please visit the HR page to view current openings and complete an application online or at the Administrative Center located at 1900 West Monroe. If there are any questions, please contact Human Resources at 217-525-3000.
almost 2 years ago, SPS District 186
crossing guards needed
You don't want to miss this! Springfield and Central Illinois African American History Museum collected our student's artwork and then had the pieces professionally framed and hung to create an exhibit at the museum. All of the pieces of art were either created by an African American artist or they depict the African American experience. We appreciate the AAHM & their commitment to showcasing our students' work in celebrating Black History. You can visit the gallery February 18th - March 31st, Tuesday - Saturday 12:00 pm - 4:00 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, SPS District 186
Artwork hanging on the wall
arts for the ages
School will be IN SESSION tomorrow, January 25, 2023. Please make sure your child's device comes back to school. Tomorrow is also a 2:30 pm dismissal day. Please plan for a timely pick-up after school.
about 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Here is a great opportunity taking place in the Springfield Community for students who enjoy building with legos!
about 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Lego Contest Flyer
Matheny-Withrow Night at Chuck E. Cheese is Thursday, November 17th; 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Please join us for an evening of fun!
about 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Chuck E. Cheese Flyer
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences are Thursday, October 20th & Friday, October 21st. Looking forward to seeing all of our Matheny-Withrow Families!
over 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Parent Conference Flyer
We will be kicking off our Matheny-Withrow United Way Campaign tomorrow, October 17th with Spirit Week! For $1 each day students may participate in the designated theme for the day. We are looking forward to a great week of hats, patterns, pajamas, and colors.
over 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
United Way Campaign Flyer
Matheny-Withrow families are invited to attend the first FACE Meeting of the school year tomorrow evening 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
We can't wait to see all of our students at Family Reading Night on Thursday, September 15 at 5:00pm to 6:30pm at Matheny-Withrow.
over 2 years ago, Mary Tennant
Reading is POPPIN'
Join us for Family Reading Night this Thursday, September 15th from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm!
over 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Family Reading Night Flyer
District 186 families! Any pre -k , kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade, 12th grade and new students to District 186 - please turn in your child's proof of physical and immunization information as soon as possible. If your child’s physical and immunizations have not yet been turned in or scheduled, your child will be excluded from school on September 6, 2022. Because of the demand for appointments and immunization in our community, the Board of Education is allowing school nurses to accept documentation of your child’s scheduled physical and immunizations so that they may remain in school. This documentation of an appointment must be brought to the school on Sept. 6 in order for a student to remain. Appointments must be scheduled between now and October 14, 2022. After October 15 all students who do not have proper documentation of completed immunizations and physicals will be excluded from school. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school.
over 2 years ago, SPS District 186
Please turn in your physical and immunization forms ASAP! It is very important to make sure your student's records are up to date with your school. Students without their information turned in will be excluded from school starting September 6th.
over 2 years ago, SPS District 186
The Keep Kids in School Coalition will be offering FREE physicals and immunizations for District 186 students Saturday, August 27th at Springfield Clinic Wabash- 2200 Wabash Ave. from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.. No insurance required. Must be an enrolled District 186 student to participate. Standard school vaccines only available while supplies last.No appointment needed. The clinic will only serve District 186 students who are entering Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 6th and 9th grade and those who are new to Illinois must provide a current physical exam and immunization record. All 12th grade students must provide proof of having received a dose of the meningococcal vaccine on or after their 16th birthday. The legal parent or guardian must accompany their child. No sports physicals will be offered.
over 2 years ago, SPS District 186
free, walk in school physicals and vaccines at Springfield Clinic Wabash
TODAY: Wednesday, August 24th is a 2:30 Dismissal. Students will dismiss at 2:30 pm every Wednesday.
over 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Matheny-Withrow Spirit Wear Order Forms are due Friday, September 9th. T-shirts are unisex sizes. Order forms were sent home in today's Tuesday Folder. Contact the school office with questions, 217-525-3245.
over 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Matheny-Withrow T-Shirt Sale Flyer
All Matheny-Withrow families are invited to attend the Back To School Bash event on Saturday, August 27, 2022
over 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Flyer For Back To School Bash
REMINDER: Open House is this Thursday, August 18th from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Looking forward to seeing all new and returning students!
over 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Open House Image
All Matheny-Withrow students and families are encouraged to attend Open House. This is an opportunity to meet your child's teacher and receive beginning of the year information.
over 2 years ago, Charlena Jackson
Open House Flyer