Today's Topic- Dismissal

SCOPE- Students are dismissed to the Gym. Kindergarten students are walked to the gym by an adult. When picking your student up from SCOPE- Park in the lot, come to the front door and say you are picking up from SCOPE.

Bus Riders- Students are dismissed by bus, all students are walked to buses by an adult.

Walkers- Students are dismissed out the front doors. Kindergarten students are walked to parents waiting on the sidewalk in front of the school (next to the Evergreen tree).  If you are parking a car to get your walker, please park in a parking spot, or west of the stop sign on Fielding.

Car Riders- Students are dismissed out the back doors, and walked by an adult to wait in grade level lines.  Parents remain in their car, in the car line.  You will be waved forward as cars pull away.  When it is your turn, your child will be walked to your car.  It is VERY helpful to have a paper with your student's name in the front window!  When leaving the blacktop/parking lot, watch for the adults directing traffic flow.

Remember, saving a few seconds of your time is never more important than the safety of everyone’s children.