Happy Tuesday everyone!! Today is February 4, 2025 , it's a(n) B Day and it's a wonderful day to learn!
7th and 8th grade Girls basketball team! Please turn in your uniform, shooting shirt, and travel suit to Mr. Hoffek. Put it in a plastic bag with your name!
Birthdays: Happy Birthday to...
National Thank A Mail Carrier Day (also known as Thank a Mailman Day) on February 4th reminds us that someone makes sure the mail gets through 6 days a week 52 weeks a year. The day reminds us just how important mail carriers are to our daily lives. Take time out of your day to thank the mail carrier responsible for delivering your mail. #ThankAMailCarrierDay
Welcoming Ritual: What is something your teacher always compliments you on?
Spring Pictures are Thursday February 6th!!!
Just a reminder—if you are absent, you are still responsible for completing your school work. Be sure to check Canvas for any assignments you missed and talk to your teachers when you return to school. You have the same number of days you were absent to turn in your work.
Once you’ve completed your assignments, don’t forget to email your teachers to let them know. Stay on top of your work and keep up the great effort!
"Attention students! Are you interested in joining the Southeast High School Cheer Team? We will be holding an informational meeting on February 5th at 6:00 PM. Come learn about tryouts, expectations, and what it takes to be part of our team. We hope to see you there!"
Monday: 2/3
Cheer: 7th Grade Sectional Basketball vs Rochester @ Rochester JHS, 6:30 pm, Bus 5:30 pm from LMS
6th Grade Volleyball: No Practice
7/8th Grade Volleyball: No Practice
7th Grade Boys Basketball: Sectional Basketball @ Rochester vs Rochester JHS, 6:30, Bus 5:30
8th Grade Boys Basketball: Practice 3:30-5:30 @ Ball Charter. Please go to the Cafeteria after school.
Scholastic Bowl: Whole Team Practice 2:30-4:00 in room 212
Tuesday: 2/4
Tutoring: 2:30-4:00. Please go to the cafeteria after school
Scholastic Bowl:
6th Grade Volleyball: No Practice
7/8th Grade Volleyball: Practice 3:30-5:30 @ Ball Charter
7th Grade Boys Basketball:
8th Grade Boys Basketball:
Wednesday: 2/5
FCA: 7:15 am in Mrs. Websters room. Please enter through West Wing doors.
Yearbook: 2:30-4:00. Quilling - Announced Groups. Go to room 212 after school.
Scholastic Bowl: Meet @ Pleasant Plains MS (Farmingdale), 4:00, 5:00 pm, Bus 3:00 pm
Dungeons and Dragons: 1:30-4:00 . Meet in the Cafeteria
Cheer: No Practice
6th Grade Volleyball: No Practice
7/8th Grade Volleyball: Practice 3:30-5:30 @ Ball Charter. Please go to the Cafeteria after school.
7th Grade Boys Basketball:
8th Grade Boys Basketball:
Thursday: 2/6
Scholastic Bowl:
Tutoring: Tutoring 2:30-4:00. Please go to the Cafeteria after school
Cheer: No Game
6th Grade Volleyball: No Practice
7/8th Grade Volleyball: Practice 3:30-5:30 @ Ball Charter. Please go to the cafeteria after school.
7th Grade Boys Basketball:
8th Grade Boys Basketball:
Friday: 2/7
Yearbook: None
Cheer: no practice.
6th Grade Volleyball: Practice 3:30-5:30 @ Ball Charter
7/8th Grade Volleyball:
7th Grade Boys Basketball:
8th Grade Boys Basketball: Jazz Band:
Saturday: 2/8
6th Grade Volleyball (@ Washington Middle School -2300 E Jackson St.): No Game - Bye Week
8th Grade Volleyball: FMS tournament @ FMS. No Bus. Please be at FMS by 8:15 am
7th Boys Basketball: 8th Boys Basketball:
General Announcements
**Students, It is getting cold out, so please dress appropriately for the weather. Coats, gloves, scarves are all very helpful to keep you warm!
***Please remember that there are 2 entrances to LMS before school for security checks:
1. 12th Street doors -All Students without a backpack enter
2. Capital Street doors - All students without a back back or band instrument enter .
*Students Please have your laptops and binders out before you come into the building for security checks. Please remove all unnecessary key chains and objects from your backpack that may set off the system. Thank you for you help and patience!!!
Academic Support - Each day there are staff members available before school in room 13 if your student has any concerns or needs teacher guidance. We will also be offering tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday after school from 2:30 - 4:00 and Academic Lunch for any student that has a failing grade. If your scholar has a course grade that is not passing our Guidance Deans will send you an email and enroll your student in Academic lunch for support.
Athletic Participation Fees and Sports Physicals
6th Grade Student/Athletes: There is a $25 fee for 6th Grade Girls Basketball, 6th Grade Boys Basketball, and 6th Grade Girls Volleyball. An athletic physical is also required for participation. 6th Graders that participate in Cross Country, Baseball, Softball, and Track there is a $60 district athletic participation fee. Please turn into Ms. 00 in the main office.
7th/8th Grade Student/Athletes: There is a $60 district athletic participation fee. An athletic physical is required each year to participate in sports. Athletic Physicals are good for a period of 395 days. Please turn into Ms. Jaira in the main office.
Extra-Curricular Activities Eligibility:
All students involved in extracurricular activities must be passing all classes, no F's, in order to be eligible to participate. Eligibility runs from Monday-Saturday.
Academic Lunch
Students need to check their grades during announcements. If you are failing a class, you will need to report to the art room with your binder and laptop for academic lunch. Please report to the art room at the beginning of your lunch before you get your lunch. Bring your computer!
Rooms and The Springfield District 186 App
Students and Parents: Please download the SPS 186 app to your mobile device, and search for Springfield District 186 in the app store or Google Play Store.
We have a fantastic new communication tool called Rooms. Currently, LMS is using Rooms for communication for Extracurricular Activities to keep parents and students informed on practice times, schedules, and announcements. Rooms also allow messages to be sent back and forth between the school and home! If you have any questions, please email or call Mr. Hoffek
Students: Please remember to use the restroom when you are dismissed from the cafeteria at lunch before you go outside. 8th Grade Students, go directly back to your 5th-hour class after lunch. There is no reason for 8th Graders to be in the Garden Level when you come inside from lunch.