We are preparing for possible E-Learning days in the event of inclement weather where school will not be open. This week we have shown your student how to get on the Google Meet that we will be using for a virtual meeting. I will be available on the Google Meet between 9am-11am on an E-Learning day to check in with students and make sure they understand the directions for their work for the day. They will have a checklist of assignments to complete for the day. If a student does not participate in the Google Meet and complete the given assignments, they will be marked absent for the day.
To get students used to taking home ipads and bringing them back the next day, we will start sending home iPads weekly on Tuesdays. Each Tuesday evening students will have an assignment to complete on their iPads. This is the time to make sure that your students can get on the internet on their iPads. If you need assistance with having internet at home, you will need to contact the District 186 office at 525-3000.
We will NOT be sending home chargers on a nightly basis. School iPads are ONLY to be used for the given assignment, and should not be used to be on YouTube, taking pictures and videos, or doing any other activities other than the ONE assigned activity that evening. Your student’s iPad needs to be returned to school THE NEXT DAY and should still be mostly charged, similar to the charge it was when it was sent home.
In addition to sending iPads home on Tuesdays, they will be coming home anytime there is a chance of inclement weather. Chargers will be sent home in this case.
If you have any further questions, please reach out and ask!