-"If you need to sign up for Behind the Wheel, please email Ms. Kauffman. Her email is posted outside her classroom."
-The BSU meeting to continue planning for Black History Month has been moved to TODAY, Friday, February 14th, at B Lunch in Mr. Jackson's room (3-041).
-Attention Alice in Wonderland cast - Rehearsal is next Tuesday (the 18th) will be in Mrs. Hutchinson’s room (3-001) due to the stage being painted.
-Our Student Voice Team meeting is 6th period TODAY. All students will come to their sixth hour class and will wait until an intercom announcement is made to dismiss the students to Room 03-27 (Mrs. Pochynok’s room).
-The Anime Club will meet on Mondays in room 3-036, Mr. McVey’s Room.
-The Board Game Club will be playing DND on Thursdays in room 3-036, Mr. McVey’s Room.
-We have a super exciting new opportunity for district 186 high school students for next school year - American Sign Language class! Check out the video link on your global canvas announcement and make sure you tell your assistant principal that you are interested in this course for next school year!
- The snack cart will be available in the atrium at both lunch shifts today.
- Who wants to be a millionaire by the time you retire? Who wants to make more money than all of your friends and most of your teachers in the next 4 years? Who wants to be paid to learn while you work? Do you like to work with your hands? Then the construction trades are for you! Come see Mr. Craner or Mr. Handy down in the new workshop to learn more about this opportunity. Or you can simply let your AP know that you would like to take the trades classes next year when you register for classes as your #1 elective. We now offer a 4 year program that you can start in any year of high school.
- Art club will take place on Tuesdays after school in Mr. Wilson’s room.
- Crochet Club will take place on Thursdays after school in Mrs. Cookson’s Room.
-Now for a moment of silence
- Please Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Now it is time for today’s welcoming ritual, please take a moment to discuss your response with your class: Happy Valentine's Day! Did you also know that today is Frederick Douglass’ birthday? Born into slavery around 1818 Frederick Douglass’ birth date is unknown and he therefore chose to celebrate his birthday on February 14th, recalling that his mother called him her “Little Valentine”. Speed some positivity by sharing a message of love with at least 3 people throughout the day.
Have a Great Day lions!