LHS Daily Announcements

-"If you need to sign up for Behind the Wheel, please email Ms. Kauffman. Her email is posted outside her classroom.

-Put that dramatic flair to use and join the Drama Club!  Whether you prefer performing under the lights or working behind the scenes, join us after school this Monday the 18th in Room 3-001.  See Mrs. Hutchison or Mr. Fisher with any questions.

-Men's Track and Field conditioning will be onTuesdays and Thursdays starting next week from 3:30 to 4:30. Meet in Mr. Martin's room in the science hallway each day.

-"Are you interested in picking up a new hobby? Try Crochet Club! We will meet TODAY after school from 3:30-4:30 in Ms. Cookson's room 3-038. It's good therapy!"

-Lanphier’s Orange and Black Alumni game is this Saturday,  November 16th. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Get a sneak peek at the girls’ and boys’ basketball teams, and the cheerleader and poms squads. Also, see some LHS Alumni. Admission is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for students. 

-Attention Seniors - November 27th is the Mock ACT date, and since you will not be testing, we have approved activities for this date for you to choose from. You will have the option of: Attending a field trip down town (Limited number of spaces), a college visit on your own, work (for students that currently have a job), job shadowing (arranged on your own), volunteering (arranged on your own or with the help of NHS if you are a member). Permission slips are available beginning TODAY, NOVEMBER 13th from the table outside of Mrs. Brooks’ office in the Academic Center. All permission slips must be returned to the senior box located on this same table by Friday, November 22nd @ 3:30pm. DO NOT GIVE YOUR PERMISSION SLIP TO ANY STAFF MEMBER , YOU MUST TURN IT INTO THE BOX YOURSELF. No exceptions to the deadline will be given. Anyone that does not turn in a permission slip and does not attend school that day will be marked for an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. 

-Today, during your lunch shift, check out the area between the Atrium and the Cafeteria for a fun photo op, “Be the I in Kind!!” If you take a photo and want to share it with us, access the link on your Global Canvas announcement to upload your photo! 

-Seniors, make sure you have cast your vote for the Class of 2025 motto by next Wednesday, November 20th @ 3:30pm. The link for voting is on your Global Canvas announcements. 

-Please Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

And now it’s time for today’s welcoming ritual. Please take a moment to discuss your response with your class:Think back through this week here at LHS, what is ONE act of kindness that someone has shown you, that you have observed, or that you have taken part in? 

Have a Great Day Lions!