-Congratulations to our two-sentence horror story competition winner: Anthony Welch! Anthony received a $10 Amazon gift card for his winning story!

-This week’s Take Care Tuesday tip is brought to you by The Peace Room: Gratitude is both helpful to give and receive. Be sure to show your teachers some appreciation this week!

-Afternoon CACC students and any student who was absent last Thursday will meet Mrs. Powell in the large commons today during third hour to set up your college board account for testing. (please wait for the announcement). 

-Did you have trouble setting up your college board account? If so, please stop by Room 240 and speak with Mrs. Powell before Thursday. 

-Looking to challenge yourself, work on a team to set goals and achieve them, and get in the best shape of your life?  Then you belong on the wrestling team!  Join us everyday after school from 3:30-5 or 5:30 and Wednesdays from 2:30-5.  Make sure to wear your gym clothes!

-This Wednesday, we will be recognizing all students who received perfect attendance or honor roll for the first quarter during recognition assemblies according to the following schedule: 9th Grade - 2nd Hour, 10th Grade - 3rd Hour, 11th Grade - 5th Hour, 12th Grade - 6th Hour. Please go to your global canvas announcements and check to see if your name is on the list to attend the recognition assembly. You will wait to hear an announcement to dismiss you to the Large Commons during your grade level’s scheduled class period.  

-Calling all students interested in competing in the student vs staff volleyball game!  Ms. Grendze is currently looking to field a team of 8-10 students, at least 2 from each grade level to play against the teachers during 7th period on November 22.  No experience or athletic ability necessary!  If you are interested, fill out the form that can be found on your Global Canvas Announcement. 

-If you would like to share some words of gratitude for a staff member here at LHS, be sure to access your Global Canvas announcements, click on the link to the Google Form and complete the thankfulness shout-out form,

-Do you want to be a part of our movie reward celebration on December 8th? Starting November 6th and spanning through the end of November, any student who is TARDY FREE will be attending a movie celebration during 6th & 7th hours on Friday, December 8th. Stay tuned for more details! But just remember tardies start counting on Monday for this reward! Even if you have had tardies up until this point, tardies just from November 6th - November 30th are what will be tracked for this reward. Everyone is eligible for this reward if you meet this criteria! 

-Boys Basketball Tryouts: Freshmen/Sophomores will have tryouts TODAY and TOMORROW from 3:45-5:30 p.m. in the main gym.  Varsity tryouts will be held from 6:00-8:30 p.m. in the main gym.  Varsity tryouts will be on the same days from 6-8:30 pm.  Those interested will need to have completed an Athletic Permit Card and have an updated physical on file.  Athletic Permit Cards can be found in the main office.

-Lanphier’s Orange and Black Alumni game is this Saturday, November 11th. Doors open at 12:30pm. Get a sneak peek at the LHS girl’s and boys’ basketball teams and enjoy the cheerleaders and pom pon squads. Admission cost is $8 for adults and $5 for students. 

-Don’t forget this Thursday, November 9th, is mock testing day. You will report straight to your assigned testing room. Check your Global Canvas announcement for the list of where you should report or ask one of your teachers if you need help finding this information. 

-Now for a moment of silence. 

-Please Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

And now it’s time for today’s welcoming ritual. Please take a moment to discuss your response with your class: Which do you think would make you the happiest in your life after Lanphier— going to college, going into the military or going into training for a job?

Have a great day lions!