-Do you want to be a part of our movie reward celebration on December 8th? Starting next Monday, November 6th and spanning through the end of November, any student who is TARDY FREE will be attending a movie celebration during 6th & 7th hours on Friday, December 8th. Stay tuned for more details! But just remember tardies start counting on Monday for this reward! Even if you have had tardies up until this point, tardies just from November 6th - November 30th are what will be tracked for this reward. Everyone is eligible for this reward if you meet this criteria! 

-Attention seniors: TODAY is the LAST day to submit your permission slip for November 9th.  You MUST have the form filled out CORRECTLY AND SUBMITTED to the Senior Box box outside of the Academic Office by 3:30 TODAY.  NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE!!!

-It’s that time of year! We will be holding our United Way campaign through the end of the day TODAY

The United Way is a local initiative that raises funds and distributes them to organizations and charities in the community that improve everyone's quality of life. 

Additionally, there will be donation jars in the main lobby where students can contribute spare change to tape one of our administrators to the wall as part of our United Way campaign. The chosen administrator will be announced at our United Way celebration assembly TODAY. 

All the change collected during the United Way campaign will be donated to the United Way. Historically, LHS has raised more money than both Southeast High School and Springfield High School. Last year, we raised $4,572.09, and it is our goal to raise even more this year. 

Also, in celebration of our United Way campaign and the kick-off to Winter Sports Season, we continue our Spirit Week this week featuring the themes that students voted for! 

Today IS- Decades Class Day (9th Grade - 60’s, 10th Grade - 70’s, 11th Grade - 80’s, 12th Grade - 90’s, Staff - Pick Your Favorite Decade!) 

-Boys Basketball Tryouts: Freshmen/Sophomores will have tryouts on November 6 and November 7 from 3:45-5:30 p.m. in the main gym.  Varsity tryouts will be held on November 6 and November 7 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. in the main gym.  Varsity tryouts will be on the same days from 6-8:30 pm.  Those interested will need to have completed an Athletic Permit Card and have an updated physical on file.  Athletic Permit Cards can be found in the main office.

-Lanphier’s Orange and Black Alumni game is Saturday, November 11th. Doors open at 12:30pm. Get a sneak peek at the LHS girl’s and boys’ basketball teams and enjoy the cheerleaders and pom pon squads. Admission cost is $8 for adults and $5 for students. 

-Wrestling will have open gym Wednesday and Friday directly after school in the North Gym until 5PM boys and girls are welcome.  Season officially will start November 6.  You must wear gym attire.

-Are you passionate about film and interested in exploring the rich and diverse world of African American cinema? Well, you're in luck! Registration for the spring 2024 semester of African American Literature is still open. The class is open to 10-12 grade students only. Don't pass up this opportunity to explore the fascinating world of African American film and to have a greater understanding of the impact that narrative in movies can have. If you have any questions about the course, please reach out to Mr. Jackson or your Assistant Principal for more information. 

-Lanphier varsity Girls Basketball tryouts will be held on Monday, October 30 from 3.45pm- 5.45p.m. in the main gym.  Freshman & Sophomore Girls basketball Tryouts will be held on Monday, October 30 in the main gym from  5.45pm- 7.45p.m. 

-Now for a moment of silence. 

-Please Rise for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

And it is time for today’s welcoming ritual. Please take a moment to discuss your response with your class: Today is decades day! When we think of the 60’s we think of tie dye and peace signs, the 70’s - the disco look, the 80’s - neon colors, and the 90’s - the grunge look. What is one thing, 30 years from now, that you think your generation will be remembered for when it comes to “style” or “fashion?” 

Have a great day lions!