School Safety Drills

Hello Laketown Families,

Teachers have discussed and gone over the procedures with their students that we follow for the different kinds of safety drills we have at school. Last week we practiced a fire drill, and today we practiced a Hard Lockdown Drill at Laketown. Every single classroom followed all safety directions and did an awesome job! We will do another Fire Drill & Hard Lockdown Drill on different days with the police & fire dept. here to check how the drills are done at our school and they will let us know if they have any suggestions where we might improve in case of an actual situation.

We practice a Hard Lockdown Drill so we can be prepared if there were ever a threat of violence or serious incident that could jeopardize the safety of students/staff. The next time we practice these drills with safety officers here, only the office staff will know the day and time they are occuring. Our teachers and other staff will not know. We don't share the dates and times for these practices with officers present so that we can see how procedures go when it is unplanned. We do let the students & staff know it's a drill, but we want to practice it unplanned. This way we will know if we are prepared for an actual situation, because in real life, serious situations as this, are not planned for.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Renee Roy, Principal