Greetings Hazel Dell!
It is that time! We are all starting fresh for this new school year. This is an exciting time for everyone. Please note that school starts at 9:00 am. We begin accepting students in the building at 8:40 am. When the children enter the building, they will immediately report to the cafeteria, where they will have the choice to either eat breakfast or sit in line with their class. There will be teachers out front directing students.
When dropping off your students, please stay in the car line and try not to hold up the line. However, please be patient because this is the first day of school, and it may take a little longer for some students to gather all their supplies when getting out of the car.
At 8:55 am, we will have our morning meeting - welcoming everyone to a great day of learning, and the teachers will lead their students to the classroom.
The First Day is the only day we allow parents to walk their students into the building. For safety purposes, we try to limit this privilege to kindergarten families and families new to Hazel Dell.
We begin dismissing our car riders at 3:20 pm. There will be a car line. Please try to stay in the car line, so we do not block the buses. If you need to get out of your car for any reason, please park your car in one of the parking spaces and walk to the door to retrieve your student.
Hazel Dell has a tiny parking lot, so we have to work together to ensure everyone gets in safely.
The first day is always a little hectic, so please let's practice patience and flexibility on this day.
We cannot wait to see everyone in the morning.