Daily Dose of Kindness

Good morning, Hazel Dell! Monday, August 28, 2023, and welcome to the 2nd week. One rule we have at Hazel Dell is “I can Be Safe”. This week we are focusing on safety. Safe actions keep everyone’s bodies from being hurt. When we act in safe ways, we keep our hands to ourselves and don’t use them to touch others in hurtful ways. When we use safe words, we make sure nobody’s feelings are hurt. Safe words are kind and respectful. This week, think about how you can act and speak safely in the classroom, hallway, lunchroom, and out at recess. (Review Recess Expectations


 Temp:  The Heatwave has finally broken! The high today is expected to be 80 degrees and we will have an outdoor Recess..


Cheeseburger on Bun
Cottage Cheese w/ Breadstick
Baked Beans
Fresh Grape Tomatoes 
Chilled Peaches
Fresh Apple Slices

 BBSS Goal

 This week, we are focusing on safety – especially on the playground.

Great News! We have gone five days with no office discipline referrals! If we keep this up for the next five days, we will have our first Referral-free Celebration.

 Social Emotional Goal

I can make good decisions by following directions the first time! This year, we will add Qualities of Good Character and Behavior. This year, I will be observing you on some of these qualities in classrooms. This week, I am focusing on Caring. This means a student will:

 ·      Make room for someone

·      Slow down so others can catch up

·      Opens a door for someone

·      Going through a door and looking behind it to make sure no one is there before releasing the door

·      Notices when someone doesn’t have a partner and offers to join

·      Stands up for someone who is being picked on

·      Stops gossip or teasing

·      Asking, “How can I help?”

·      Allowing someone else to go first

·      Introducing new students to others

·      Sharing your items

·      Making sure everyone has a turn on the playground

 Birthdays: No Birthdays today

 Moment of Reflection:

Think of how you plan to be safe on the playground today.

 Pledge: Choose a student for the pledge!


Have a wonderful Day at Hazel Dell!