Here at Hazel Dell Elementary School, we want everyone to feel welcome and that they belong. We know we’re welcome when people smile at us and greet us with friendly words. We know we belong when we’re included and invited to play at recess. We know we belong when we notice the ways we’re all the same and accept the ways we are different. This we, take time to greet others with a smile and invite them to play/
Temp: The high today will be 95 degrees with a feels like temperature from 105 degrees to 115 degrees. Those temps are extremely dangerous, so we will have another indoor recess today. Please plan on indoor recess for the rest of this week.
Hot Dog on Bun
Cinnamon Sugar Chickpeas
Fresh Cucumber Slices
Chilled Pears
Flavored Applesauce Cup
As this is the first week of school. It is important that we focus on kindness.
Our Goal is "I can show kindness by being friendly, generous, and understanding of others."
Social Emotional Goal
I can make good decisions by following direction the first time!
No Birthdays today.
Moment of Reflection:
How can you use positive self-talk today?
Pledge (Choose a student if there are no birthdays)
Have a wonderful Day at Hazel Dell!